Porn Vs. The Economy- What the Industry Big Boys Aren’t Telling You
Some very enlightening stuff… from – Good magazine has some interesting graphics up today analyzing the economics of porn. The graphics seem to imply that adult content...
Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo, Tiger Told Joslyn James She was the Only in His Life
from – Tiger Woods’ alleged mistress/definite porn star boo-hooed at a news conference following Tiger’s mea culpa … because she actually believes he should have publicly apologized...
Saturday: Tony Batman And Schevelle Host The “Screaming O” Contest In Athens, Georgia
Athens, GA- On Saturday February 20th the Sexy Suz Adult Emporium presents Tony Batman and Schevelle hosting the “Screaming O Orgasm Contest” In attempt to bring the Batman...
Women may respond to porn…
....but not in a way that counts; porn industry apes the monkeys
Groom Fatally Shot by Cops Outside Strip Club
sneak in one pre-marital lap dance and look what happens
Update: Joslyn James’ Crocodile Tears Performance
from – While Tiger Woods was holding a press conference in Florida, across the country, his ex-fling and former porn star Joslyn James was holding a presser...
On the block March 18th: But Why May Not Sell In The Foreclosure Auction
from – THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER website domain name is up for grabs again as its owners are scrambling for a lot of cash. has been...
Jack Lawrence’s Time in a Tijuana Jail
Black Widow never sent the Team Tyler movies in for the AVN noms