Grace Evangeline is back to whoring
First off, I wouldn’t consider this woman to be a pornstar. She has no rewards under her belt and she hasn’t done anything that would classify her as...
Who the fuck is Bender Cain
Outside of trying to be Capt Save A Who does anyone know anything about this ass? I had heard he was linking out Kendra Lust 1,737 Views
What Happened To American Women?
World travelers discuss the sorry state of American women. In general men are taking more pride in their appearance and grooming than many females – who 95% are...
Double Standards: Leslie Jones’ Racist Twitter History
It was Ghostbusters actress Leslie Jones’s reporting of Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos to Twitter that appears to have finally given them the cover to do something they’ve long yearned for: permanently ban...
Why is the NFL Losing White Fans?
Peter Bradley, American Renaissance, October 1, 2016 It may be too many black players and too much black-power activism. The National Football League (NFL) continues to shed viewers....
Attention Whore Scumbag Mudshark Kardashian Claims She Was Robbed At Gunpoint = BULLSHIT!
Whorebag attention whore and hooker scumbag mudshark lowlife Kim Kardashian is claiming that she was robbed at gunpoint and bound and gagged in Paris and robbed of jewels...
Shy Love is such a bad agent her, another performer runs and hides to get away from her
I seen a cute little blonde in a video from MOFOs not to long ago. I wondered who she was and looked her up. What did I find...
SHOCKING road rage brawl erupts in Houston, Texas!
Shocking road rage brawl erupts in Houston, Texas resulting in a four way brawl. (Notice: Age-restricted video) 1,113 Views
God Hugh Hefner tweets pic of himself and wife Crystal settling down for movie night at the Playboy mansion after ‘death bed’ rumors
Earlier on Friday, his son took to Twitter to dispel the notion that his father was ‘super sick.’ And then on Friday evening Hugh Hefner himself chimed in....
SHOCKING VIDEO: Joey Salads: Black Lives Matter vs All Lives Matter Supporters (Social Experiment)
Watch the belligerent n’rs get upset and physical when Joey Salads holds up an ALL LIVES MATTER sign in a black neighborhood. In a white neighborhood, when he...