Holiday Commercial – Visit Las Vegas – The Check Out – What Happens Here Stays Here – In Your Face Gay Ad, Comments And Ratings Disabled
These marketing companies try to make being bisexual and gay “hip and cool” and normal but they disable the comments and the ratings on this YouTube video which...
Prop 60 Is Complete And Utter Bullshit – Cameron Reed & Cameron Bay Are Spokespeople For It, Both Got HIV From Gay Men
Who is dumb enough to vote yes on this bullshit? Cameron Bay And Cameron Reed are acting like victims in the Yes On Prop 60 spots but both...
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Deplorable SW @SIENNAWESTLAND #NeedyLatino NO #Vaccines NO #BigPharma NO #GMO NO #Monsanto YES #GCmafs YES #ChlorineDioxide YES #ZeroPointEnergy HOORAY For #WhistleBlowers Deplorable SW @SIENNAWESTLAND Dear @HillaryClinton @billclinton any...
Why are agents using photoshop? #fraud It’s Shady AF
I seen a girl on twitter today and I was like what the fuck?????????????? I mean this chick looks nothing like her work pics. Then I realized, it’s...
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