Robin Kismet writes: Hello again Gene, I must confess I had no idea that gossip and stories in the adult business spread quicker and thicker than they do in the mainstream, but now I know! My dear husband, Mark Kismet, is taking so much flack over your wonderfully concocted story. If you don’t mind, I need to make a couple statements: 1) A gun was not fired on the set of Hustler’s Debriefed, July 10, 2005. Mark Kramer and Dustin Flynt were on set!We wouldn’t be screwing up with our superiors in the midst, would we?! The gun was a prop, we use sound effects. 2) Earlier in the day, we shot another great scene in the soap opera, Debriefed, where a character [Dick nasty] entered his car, drunk, with martini in hand, spun his wheels off the road while driving down the mountain side and drove off the cliff. Fake martini, actor not drunk, car didn’t crash, we use sound effects. He too, is alive and well. 3) Evan, Mark and our entire crew love humor. Movie making days often become long and difficult. After working many days in a row with very little sleep, Gene’s half written story came to all of us as a welcome laugh, knowing how people may read it entirely out of context. 4) We did not wish to frighten anyone. Ask Evan, he knows I think he’s the hottest guy in the business, I’d be crushed if he were hurt. 5) We love working for Hustler and Mark would never jeopardize his position with LFP, he is one of their best directors and keeps everything on the up and up.
“The gun was a prop, we use sound effects”