From the Christmas Day horror story files: Larry Flynt’s daughter Tonya recalls her flesh-peddling father’s gift gaffe: “The Christmas card he sent me when I was 12 had a picture of Santa on a bed making love with a nude model and a gift of hundreds of dollars inside. I cried so much.”
For more yuletide sentiments, check out
This might be a forward question to ask on the first date, but did your cock grow during the California earthquake this week? According to a Reuters reports, geologists are claiming that some of the mountains grew a foot. The Monday earthquake struck on what is believed to be the San Simeon thrust fault. Pressure in a thrust fault is relieved when one piece of earth pushes up on top of another, compared with lateral faults — like the famous San Andreas — in which two piece of crust slide next to one another.
Thrust faults produce mountains, and the San Simeon quake probably improved the view from the nearby hills, because, mountains have probably been pushed up about a foot or so by this quake, experts said.
The parents of Jon Benet Ramsey have been cutting a swath through the nation’s court rooms with lawsuits ever since their daughter’s murder. This is the latest one
But the most inspiring story of all, rivaling even that of Tiny Tim has to be the one of Harry Weiss spending Christmas Eve working Caltran. Weiss told the story in a special edition of KSEX Wednesday night describing how he was pinched by the LAPD for flicking a butt out the window of his car. A good lawyer probably would have gotten Weiss off because it sounds like the cops practically forced the issue by tailgate-ing Weiss causing a dark of night what-the-fuh reaction on his part.