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Conversations with Devyn Devine-final

Porn Valley- At least one shocking revelation in my conversation with Devyn Devine,, a couple of weekends ago is the fact that she’s actually a 34DDD not 38DDD as you may have read somewhere. At the time we spoke, Devine was driving to Phoenix to do a scene and from there was headed to San Antonio- her new home base- for a little chill out. We covered a lot of topics including the fact that she’s now co-hosting an Internet radio show with the Sports Swami.

I ran into Devine and Lynn LeMay recently at Jerry’s Deli in Woodland Hills, and a couple of days later they were co-hosting a KSEX show with Baadmaster. I asked Devine how she and LeMay became such buddies.

“I actually met Lynn last Halloween through Steve Nelson,” said Devine. “But we didn’t become too close- because I don’t live in LA- until the AVN show. And that’s when we kind of hung out. The first time I hung out she rescued me from this party I was supposed to be signing at.” According to Devine, she was surrounded by a bunch of drag queens.

“No one knew what I was doing there or supposed to be doing,” Devine laughs. “So Lynn came and rescued me. And because of her ex-boyfriend, we went to the Tera Patrick party as VIP’s.” I mention to Devine for someone who doesn’t live in LA, she spends a lot of time here.

“I do,” she agreed. “And I thought about moving to LA for five minutes. I spent most of the month of March there and I couldn’t deal with the traffic.”

Devine just moved from Seattle to San Antonio and explains that she shoots all over the country.

“I’m more of a web-girl than a movie-girl,” she states. “A lot of these bigger movie studios just don’t shoot me. I’m not your typical porn girl.” Because she’s featured a lot on the Internet, Devine says her scenes can be pretty much shot anywhere and that San Antonio is central to her needs.

“It’s three to four hours from any city I need to go to,” she says. “And it’s really inexpensive to live there.” Besides, Devine’s daughter’s father lives there.

“He sobered up, so he’s not how he was,” she notes. “So it’s important that she get to know him and make her own decisions.”

I speculate that maybe Devine wants to be near the Alamo, but Devine says that San Antonio is a great city and that she really loves it. On the difference between being a porn girl and a web girl, Devine doesn’t think there’s much of one.

“I think the two are the same,” she says. “Porn is porn. And most of my web-stuff becomes movies anyway. In June of ’05 I was driving back to Alaska to dance. I hadn’t danced in four years. I just wanted to get back into that. Twenty hours into Canada, I lost control of my car on a graveled highway; it started to swerve, I over corrected and it crashed into rocks. I was freaking out. They don’t have 911 up there and I was really lucky because a couple of weeks prior to that, a 16 year-old boy went off the cliff and died. So I went back to Seattle and posted an ad on Sexy Jobs. I was looking for another club to dance at- I was thinking maybe I’d go to Guam on contract, something else. Seattle’s really bad for strip clubs. I wouldn’t dance there.”

For reasons that are obvious. With its archaic laws, Seattle’s the bane of a lap dancers’ existence.

“I’m not sure if they got it passed but I know they were trying to get it to where if you wanted to tip a girl on stage you had to put it in a glass jar,” adds Devine. “It was getting bad.” After Devine posted the ad she was contacted by someone from

“And another agent from New Jersey, of all places,” she adds. “And within five days I was down in Miami shooting for Big Naturals, Bang Bros. And The Score group. I never really intended to stay in it. But I needed to get a new car and all of a sudden I got fans, got popular and it fed my ego. I don’t know. I have this inconsolable need for attention. I just thought, how cool and I just stayed in it. If I knew it was this easy to get into porn with big natural boobs, I probably would have done it a long time ago.”

Devine started growing tits in fourth grade.

“I grew up in New York, in Brooklyn, and those kids can be really cruel,” she observes. “For four years until the rest of the girls caught up, I was called ’tissue girl’. Everybody thought I stuffed my bra.

“And you had to keep proving them wrong?” I ask.

“As guys get older they rely less on nasty remarks and become more manipulative,” I note, asking Devine about the first time she got felt up. It was at a block party and she was twelve at the time.

“It was by a boy who was four years older than me,” she recollects. “We were dancing, we were trying to win a dance contest, and he got his hands up my shirt. I was freaking out. I didn’t know what to do. But it felt good and I went with it. He was really cute. He gave me my education.”

Although they did fool around, including a blowjob, Devine busted her cherry much later when they became boyfriend and girlfriend.

“I would sneak out of my house when my parents were at work,” she says. “I would walk all the way to his house. We would be on his couch in the basement.”

I ask Devine about her measurements, and according to one taping she had just recently, she came in at 34DDD but she’s not about to change the established party line. As a developing big-busted girl growing up, Devine is asked about specific career goals she may have had. Devine said she didn’t know what she wanted to be.

“I thought maybe a teacher,” she said. “I didn’t know. I just knew that I wanted to help people. That’s my passion. I also knew that I was drawn to a darker side by watching movies that had strippers in them. I always wanted to do that. So when I turned 18, I got married.”

Devine was living with her aunt and uncle who told her that if she got married she’d be disowned from the family.

“Of course I did what any 18 year old would do,” said Devine. “I applied for a marriage license and got married. But it wasn’t working out. He was about 8 years older and we were going to get a divorce. I didn’t want to go to a four-year university because I didn’t want to spend all that money. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. Then I walked into Deja Vu in Everett [Washington] and got hired. I met a girl there who came to me and said, do you want to go to Alaska? They’ll fly you up, put you in a condo and you sign a six week contract. I said, sure, why not? And I went to Alaska.”

Devine didn’t know what to expect when she got there.

“I thought it would be just darkness and one strip club in a middle of nothing with a blinking lights nude sign,” she said. “I was very surprised to find that it was an actual city. The people were great and ten years ago the money was awesome.” Devine didn’t tell anybody where she was going much less her parents.

“And that was a good thing because I got to find out who I was and what I wanted to do,” she adds. Devine traveled there the end of September in 1994. She went first to Anchorage and stayed there about a week.

“I realized I was short; although I was curvy I didn’t think I could compete with those girls that were 5’10” and implanted, the typical porn-looking girls. So I went to a smaller club in Fairbanks which is about six hours north. We drove with some other girls and I remember getting out of the car and staring up. There were the northern lights. And I just knew I would always love this place. I got on stage the same night we drove up there- my very first stage show I made $326. I thought, whoa, I’m in this for life!”

Devine’s of the belief that porn is just a natural progression for some dancers and that’s why she took to it immediately.

“I was contacted by some people that said, hey, you’ve got big boobs. Do you want to do some boy-girl work,” she said.

“I’m, like, what’s that? I really was naive. What do you mean, boy-girl work? I really had this conception that you just had to fit into a certain image box to be a porn star. And, like I said, had I known it would be this easy I would have done it a long time ago.”

During the course of when she flew to Miami to do her first Internet shoots, Devine remembers buying Jenna Jameson’s book How to Make Love Like a Porn Star.

“I read it cover to cover thinking that I was going to learn how to make love like a porn star,” Devine laughs. “But it was so inspirational for me. I’m not shy- so I thought I’d just get out there and do the best I can.” In her personal life, Devine admits to being pretty modest.

“But when I turn Devyn on it’s out there.”

Devine’s first time in front of a camera was for, the same day she flew into Miami.

“I meet my talent- this guy named Rob,” Devine recalls. “I thought no way. He was really really hot and I was really really scared. I was afraid he wasn’t going to like me or be able to stay hard. But they just walked me through it. They were great. It was a great company to work for. They were, we’re going to take all the stills first. You’ll look pretty. It turned out great but it took me forever for me to see the pictures on line. With Bang Bros. I saw the pictures right away But some of the best work I did was early in my career.”

Because Devine tends to speak with great candor, she’s asked if that gets her into trouble at all. She has to think about that for a minute. Devine writes a column for Steve Nelson’s and a couple of months ago she apparently stirred up some shit comparing west coast porn to east coast porn. Because of that she almost lost a gig writing for Gent, she says.

“They’re located in New Jersey, and, really, I was down on the east coast because, compared to LA, it’s not professional,” she says. According to Devine, one of her friends, Rhiannon, who’s a photo editor at Gent, took a lot of flak because of the article.

“East coast producers were criticizing me for my stand on that,” she continues. “But yet when I’m in New York, ready to shoot, no one’s booking me. I’m just very honest in my writing. My column is about my experiences- doing things I said I’m not going to do and then I find myself in a situation; or going to a shoot and having it cancelled or just being paid real low. I’m spoiled when I come out to LA. They treat the girls real good, they pay you real well.”

Devine says her co-hosting stint on the Howard Brown Show was a lot of fun.

“Howard called me last October and it took about a month for us to kind of hook up with out schedules,” Devine explains. “He wanted me on as a guest. And there was instant chemistry. We were able to bounce off one another. At the time he had two co-hosts that really didn’t interact. You couldn’t hear them; the quality was real bad and they had creative differences. He ended up firing them. I took the opportunity to buck for the job. I was giving him my contacts and getting him guests at that point. So I pretty much told him we should do it together. He agreed and in the middle of December I came on as the new co-host. We had a good run for the short period of time we were doing it together. I pretty much was doing everything. I was booking his guests. I was doing all the publicity.”

At this stage, Devine doesn’t know what Brown’s current deal is.

“Back in June we were at the Exotic Erotic Ball in New York and we had a big blowout,” she says. “You could kind of tell listening to the shows that there was a downward spiral. Back in December/January when we had guests like Mistress Rhiannon or Brandy Talore, we were on fire. Then slowly you could tell that Howard was getting sick of it. And I was stretching myself way too thin.”

According to Devine, the breaking point is when they had Max Hardcore, on the show.

“I’m not a proponent of Max’s kind of porn,” she states flatly. “And when we did our pre-interview I told him that. I’m, like, Max, I don’t agree with what you do but I’m not going to attack you. In fact I wrote a column about that and I said to him what I wrote, just so he could be familiar with how I felt about it. He ended up coming on our show drunk. We talked to him two hours before and he was clean sober. The whole time he’s doing nothing but calling me a bitch. And Howard’s not saying anything but just egging him on. I don’t need somebody to protect me but at the same time you don’t bite the hand that feeds you- you don’t treat your co-host like that. It came to one point where I said to Max I’m not your whore and if you call me a bitch again, you’re off the show. He goes, okay, bitch. And Howard did nothing about it. So I hang up on my own show. I came back on when Max was off and that was kind of the breaking point. There’s a difference between sensual, sexy and fun and then just a Howard Stern wannabe. I always described our show as Howard Stern meets Beavis and Butthead.

“I’m very selective about what I put my name to,” Devine goes on to say. Devine remembers an instance where they had Gina DePalma at their booth during the Exotic Erotic Show.

“She was blowing some random guy that she picked off the crowd,” says Devine. “While that makes for good radio and entertainment, it was really seedy, really trashy and I hated every minute of it. I was, this is not where I want Devyn Devine to go.”

Then Devine had talks with the Sports Swami when Brown, in her words, left her hanging.

“I finally signed on with the Swami,” she says. “The first show was not so good because I was actually driving to Los Angeles.” Devine didn’t think it was going to work under those circumstances, then Swami had a bunch of no-shows, according to her.

“But he got me right into the controversial mix,” Devine notes. “We started talking about bad tit jobs, and I mentioned that I saw somebody on the LA Direct website who, in my opinion, has the worst boob job I’ve ever seen in my life. Danielle Derek.”

She and Swami have had a couple of shows since and Devine thinks it’s going really well. LeMay, not surprisingly, was on one of the shows.

“I brought her on, and I like guests that I know on a personal basis,” concedes Devine. “Then I know the direction of the interview and where it can go. There’s some kinks still to work out but I’m confident we’re just going to grow in a positive direction.”

When I ran into LeMay and Devine at Jerry’s Deli, LeMay was talking about pairing up Devine and Mickey G together in a sex scene.

“I am so hot for Mickey G!” exclaims Devine. “I used to watch his porn when I was a teenager. I’d watch my uncle’s porn. So I’ve known Mickey and I got a chance to meet him for the first time last October at a Halloween party. Then we saw each other at Lynn LeMay’s party – her new release party- and when all the content for her second movie got really screwed up, she decided that we needed to re-shoot everything. She’s been talking to Mickey G about doing some producing with it. I was, like, Lynn, you’ve got to get him in a scene. I was, like, oh please, oh please. So we called him and he was, like, yeah, I’ll do a scene with Devyn Devine. It’s just going to be a bj scene- for now- and we’ll see where that goes.”



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