WWW- I’m old enough to remember the traditional Thanksgiving Day game of the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers one in which Lions quarterback Bobby Layne was reputed to have played half in the bag. Flash forward 50 years.
We know it’s Thanksgiving and all, but should we be thankful for the NFL giving us a dog game like the Miami Dolphins and the Detroit Lions? Detroit has scored only 23 points in its last two starts but Miami has been playing tough of late. Gotta go with Miami. Looks like they actually have a quarterback now.
That game’s one of three today including Tampa Bay playing at Dallas and Denver going against the Kansas City Chiefs at home. Since taking over as starter for the cowpokes, Tony Romo is 3-1 all of which makes Terrell Owens’ antics much easier to take. And Kansas City has won five straight games at home. Uuggggggggggggggggh. This is a game that sticks a finger up your ass because Denver starts getting tough late in the season. Then, again, maybe someone should have told them that this past Sunday. Except Denver ain’t gonna lose two games in one week.
Here’s how the Adultfyi pool sees it.
Harry Weiss [101-59]: Miami, Dallas, Denver
Steve Seidman [100-60]: Miami, Dallas, Denver
Sean, www.pornlegends.com [100-60]: Miami, Dallas, Kansas City
Gene Ross [99-61]: Miami, Dallas, Denver
John Gray [99-61]: Detroit, Dallas, Kansas City
Mike Dickinson [99-61]: Miami, Dallas, Denver
Ryan from Jerry’s Deli: [98-62]: Miami, Dallas, Denver
Brian aka Plus One [98-62]: Miami, Dallas, Denver
Billy The Crystal [97-63], Detroit, Dallas, Kansas City
Wankus, www.tylerfaith.com [96-64]: Miami, Dallas, Kansas City
Brian Wallace [94-66]: Detroit, Dallas, Denver
Karl The Birdman [93-67]: Miami, Dallas, Kansas City
Dan Davis from Genesis Magazine [93-67]: Detroit, Dallas, Denver
Sandy Bunz, www.sandybunz.com [89-71]: Miami, Dallas, Denver
Steve Volponi, www.devilsfilm.com [87-73]: Miami, Dallas, Denver
Serenity, www.serenity.net [85-75]: Miami, Tampa bay, Denver
Steve Lane [83-77]: Miami, Dallas, Kansas City