Porn Valley- I spoke to Michael Esposito of Gentlemen’s Video. His company was broken into Friday night and while thieves didn’t come in through the bathroom window, they used the rear garage door. According to Esposito they cut an entrance in the door, then presumably backed up a truck to cover the hole. Esposito said they would have had to have been there for at least three hours.
“They broke in through the garage doors- they cut it and wedged a hole,” says Esposito. “They stole outside product, a lot of my product. They also stole sleeves- cases and cases of sleeves. Then we had DVDs on spindle and they matched them up and took those sleeves, too. They knew what they were doing. This was professional. They bypassed the alarm and everything.” According to Esposito the same thing happened to VIP twice and supposedly the same weekend.
“The cops are always here at night but for some reason they weren’t here,” says Esposito. “But they were responsive and sympathetic when they came to investigate.” Esposito got a lot of great cooperation from people like Mitch Spinelli, Legend and Wildlife who helped him replace product.
“There was one guy I won’t name,” laughs Esposito. “And he owes me money! The only guy to give me hard time was a guy who owes me money. I had to laugh.”