President Bob – “YNOTBob” Rice, who has been with YNOTmasters since February of 2000, has been promoted to the position of President in addition to his responsibilities as Vice President of Webmaster Sales and Advertising. Outgoing President Greg “Otto” Geelan remains with the company as Management Consultant, General Counsel, YNOTNEWS Editor, and Legal Chat Board Moderator.
Tonight On-Air – will play a Totally Tera replay tonight, featuring her first New York City simulcast show with guest Dru Berrymore. Tera Patrick and Evan Seinfeld are with Seinfeld’s group Biohazard in Austria today. Following that show, the night should feature all normal programming, with Jungle Love, The Wanker Show, Tales of Tail and Temptation. All the fun begins at 5:00pm (PST).
Buckminster Futt’s Point – TPT has been receiving a lot of e-mails from Buckminster Futt. Interesting name to say the least. In any event, in his last e-mail he responded to religious groups who claim the GOD made AIDS to stop homosexuality. Futt then points out, there are no known cases of HIV/AIDS among strict lesbian relationships.
New Top Pro Talent – I know we’ve been promising a new look for weeks now. Believe it or not, it’s still processing and in the works. We’re not only switching the look, we’re switching hosting providers, domain registrars, the works….be patient…the new site should now be up and lookin’ good within 48 hours!