Porn Valley- Jack Lawrence has been a U.S. Army Cook, Police Officer, Professional Cyclist, Flooring Contractor, Escort, Rescue Diver, Adult Film Performer, and Adult Film Producer. This past summer he was an action hero when he arrived at a scene of an accident and rescued a woman in a car crash.
Lawrence writes about it on his website, I pulled the female passender out thru the passenger side window with my feet soaked in Gasoline from the gas tank that ruptured. I guess I was somewhat of a HERO that day,
Morning of July 23rd, Intersection of Sherman Way and De Soto Ave. This SUV crashed and flipped UPSIDE down. 15 people (who were sitting at the bus stop and missed by a matter of feet) turned it on it’s side then realised they were standing in Gasoline and walked away wisly taking off their shoes and standing well clear until their bus came.
I climbed up the luggage rack, and slipped and slid along the side of the SUV (paint and Gasoline soaked shoes make for a SLIPPERY Experience, believe me!) The only two bystanders brave enough to stick around helped guide her by reaching in thru the front windshield as I pulled the woman out from the passenger side window. There was NO WAY she was going to get out on her own as her wrist was broken and her hand was bent over like a broken twig. her seat was crushing her agaist the dashboard and those other guys who helped had to pull pretty hard to get her free enough for me to pull her out the window.
I was slipping all over, I was lucky those two stuck around to let me hand the woman down to them with my shoes soaked in Gas some might call me a Hero, I just did what I HOPE someone else would do for me! The Fire Department arrived 5 or 6 minutes later. I just didn’t want to watch her trapped in the SUV while that Gas was waiting for something to turn the whole place into a big fire ball.
I was yelling from on top of the SUV for someone to get a Fire Extinguisher from the Shoe Store next door, just in case, but it seems like nobody spoke English or would rather watch from 40 feet away than actually HELP! CRAZY!