EDITORIAL – I hate him! I hate her! I hate them! I hate that company! Do some people really deserve to be hated?
With all the positive people in porn [laughing hysterically] it’s hard to imagine that there would be any hate among industry peers, but unfortunately, there is. While my philosophy in life has always been, “you can’t please everyone,” I’ve always wanted to, even when my persona gave off a “I don’t give a shit” display. I can honestly say, I don’t really “hate” anyone and while I’ve made a lot of friends over the last three years in the adult biz, there are just some folks I haven’t been able to win over, in fact, some who just plain “hate” me.
Ooooh hate….such a strong word. And it doesn’t promote anything positive in the growth of one’s career, company networking, cross promotions or doing business, yet some people decide that they have no use for someone and instead of confronting them on the issue and at least agreeing to disagree, they decide to distance themselves and build on their hate.