Regarding the recent Christian uproar, AMC Talent’s Joe Louglin writes: Heres my thoughts on the matter. Theres 2 reasons why I will never hire Christianxxx for a scene again. This being said I dont NOT like the guy but these are my plain honest thoughts…
1- He has become more of a woman than any girl Ive ever shot before. Its like having 2 girls on set with all the bullshit gossip that will occur. I feel I cant leave anything on my desk as he will see it and gossip about it on his blog like a 60 year old women in a gossip circle .
Nothing can be said in confidence or away from him without the danger of it ending up front page news on his blog and in turn on other bullshit gossip sites. I actually asked him to be an extra on 1 of my movies while he was at my house ( visiting a talent I was using) and the next day he was ranting about how he is so above doing dialog. He fails to realize that once he thinks hes above stuff like that, his career is done.
2- Porn is dangerous enough with stds and hiv threat without someone playing both sides of the fence and increasing the threat. Playing russian roulette with 1 bullet is stupid, but adding 2 more bullets to the chamber… well you see my point.
I may be a small little company in the valley, but Im sure these sentiments are consistant with others. Christian is generally a very nice guy who I belive let this buisness get the better of him. I have no problems with what he does in his personal or professional life, I do have a problem him criticizing other peoples choice not to work with him