“BaadMaster’s Dungeon,” the Internet’s award-winning alternative lifestyle show, will be presenting a Hollywood Bondage Ball special on their upcoming show airing live on Tuesday from 6 – 8 PM PST on RudeTV.com. BaadMaster and co-host Xandra will welcome a wide host of Bondage Ball participants and performers.
The Memorial Weekend Bondage Ball, at the Henry Fonda Theater in Hollywood Sunday May 24th, sponsored by BrokenDoorFetish.com, will be the most exciting bondage, adult and fetish event of the year. And “BaadMaster’s Dungeon” will be giving away free VIP tickets to the event to some lucky viewers of the show.
This special edition of the “Baadmaster’s Dungeon” show will feature Master D and his broken door crew who will be performing some live demos. Baadmaster will also be giving away free unvanilla.com fashion apparel.
Don’t miss this special edition of the “Baadmaster’s Dungeon” show this Tuesday, May 19th, 6 – 8 PM PST on RudeTV.com.