Poen Valley- Howard Stern this morning was outraged at the news that the Clear Channel forked over $2 million in fines to the FCC https://www.adultfyi.com/read.aspx?ID=4041
“First of all it sucks that the Clear Channel is paying the government,” Stern said. “They [the Clear Channel] broke a contract with me. They haven’t paid their f’ing bill yet to me. They have not paid a dime of their bill to me. And where is the goddamn government saying you broke a contract? Never mind this other nonsense. And can you imagine these imbeciles at Clear Channel? Forget about the fact they fired me, which they didn’t have to do. Clearly Infinity is still running my show. Sumner Redstone just said the other day he goes I hope Howard Stern re-signs with us. They didn’t have to pay any fine to the government. They could have said to the government look, we fired the guy. That’s enough. We’re not pauing ransome here. We don’t owe you $2 million. Who decided $2 million? They didn’t even challenge it. They’re so interested in sucking up to this George W. Bush and Colin Powell’s son. They’re just going to bend over like sex slaves and hand over $2 million?
“It’s a $2 million payoff for what?” Stern continued. “And the FCC still hasn’t given us a clear answer on Oprah Winfrey’s tapes that are the same exact thing that I was fined for. It is just sickening to me this Clear Channel. They are a sickening company. They don’t pay their bills. They’re sickening cowards. I listen to this and I just want to friggin throwup. You’re so worried about paying your bills, pay your bill to me. They don’t pwe the government a dime. They could go to court and say listen we fired the guy, we’re not interested in paying any fines. Get George W. Bush out of office. Just throw him the hell out of office, already. It’s outrageous what sniveling cowards they [the Clear Channel] are. They paid it like I did something wrong.”