from After thinking long and hard about it, porn star Devon James has figured out a way to further humiliate her nine-year-old son. James — who you may know as Tiger Woods mistress No. 15 — has announced that she’s going to start a boxing career. And by the way, she’s looking for an opponent. Your move, Jose Canseco.
James’ previous gambit was to claim that her son was fathered by Woods, when the two first hooked up in 2001. Well, that didn’t work; DNA tests proved Woods is not the father. Damn you, modern science! (James shakes fist, like Lex Luthor cursing Superman).
The date and place has even been schedules for James’ ring debut, even though there is as of yet no opponent. The event, sponsored by the Celebrity Wrestling Federation, takes place on July 30 in Atlantic City, at 9 p.m. (exact venue not mentioned). Prospective opponents should contact CWF at [email protected]. This is true.
What kind of an organization is CFW? Their last “high-proflie” bout featured Michelle ‘Bombshell” McGee vs. “adult film actress” Gina Lynn earlier this month. And to give you another idea of what we’re dealing wit here, CWF founder Damon Feldman was hospitalized on a 72-hour hold last week after attempting to commit suicide. Who took him to the hospital? Lindsay Lohan’s dad, Michael.