from – Bet Bill Clinton was sad to miss this birthday.
Powerbroker and presidential advisor during the Clinton years Vernon Jordan got an unexpected treat during his meal at the Four Seasons restaurant yesterday.
According to Page Six, Jordan, who was celebrating his 75th year with Blackstone Group co-founder Pete Peterson, was serenaded at his table by a “buxom blonde.” Following a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday,” the chanteuse reportedly flashed him.
For 30 seconds.
“She was wearing a bustier. She pulled it down and just stood there for 30 seconds topless in the middle of the Grill Room. People were just startled,” said a witness. The woman got a standing ovation from the likes of Donald Marron, Steve Forbes and Felix Rohatyn.
The topless woman has been identified as Becky Wunder, the food blogger behind the site Wunderful Kitchen.
Wunder moonlights at the strip club Rick’s Cabaret.
from – Customers at the Four Seasons restaurant yesterday were treated to a bosomy bonus with their Dover sole. To help powerbroker Vernon Jordan celebrate his 75th birthday with Blackstone Group co-founder Pete Peterson, a buxom blonde came to their table and sang “Happy Birthday” a la Marilyn Monroe. Then, she flashed him. “She was wearing a bustier. She pulled it down and just stood there for 30 seconds topless in the middle of the Grill Room. People were just startled,” said a witness. The woman got a standing ovation from the likes of Donald Marron, Steve Forbes and Felix Rohatyn.
Turns out she’s Becky Wunder, a food blogger who runs a site called Wunderful Kitchen. Between teaching recipes online, Wunder works as a massage girl at strip club Rick’s Cabaret, where a rep wouldn’t say who hired her for $500 for the Four Seasons stunt. But it had co-owner Julian Niccolini’s fingerprints all over it.