The world is a mean place. People tell you one thing, they do another. You’re told the check’s in the mail, and all you keep getting is sales coupons from yet one more Chinese restaurant opening down the street.
Your lawyer tells you he’s brokering a sensational deal to put your business over the top. Next thing, he’s sending you postcards from Mt. Etna, Sicily.
You think you have friends? You have no friends. Try this sometime. Call a “friend” at 3AM in Canoga Park. Tell him you’ve got a flat in San Bernardino County, no spare and you’re not a Member of AAA.
Tell him four Mexican guys in a ’64 Chevy Impala lowrider have been circling you the last half hour. Ask him if he can come pick you up – pronto- and bring a gun. See what he tells ya.
Maybe if you’re a chick, it’s different and all you have to do is smile, show your ass and have the world handed to you.
To be continued… meanwhile enjoy what happens when Starman Stu Lawley meets the porn industry in San Francisco …