Just by coincidence Kim is the next Celebrity Babe of the Week at
from www.nypost.com – Cranky Kim Cattrall grumped about Hollywood’s bias against older women after the premiere of “Meet Monica Velour” — and told us to get a “respectable” job.
The “Sex and the City” star, who has criticized Hollywood’s obsession with the young and the beautiful, denying talented older actresses plum roles, told us, “Ask me about being a woman. Do you know what it’s like to be 54 and marginalized? It doesn’t get easier as you get older.”
But Cattrall — who put on 20 pounds for her “Monica Velour” movie role as an aging former porn star living in a rural Indiana trailer park and stripping to make ends meet — had even tougher words to say about working for a gossip column.
When we tried to break the ice with Cattrall, mentioning a ridiculous tip we’d gotten earlier in the day about her getting a bikini wax — a well-tackled subject on “SATC” — she snapped, “That’s a stupid question. You’re a smart girl. How could you want to write that?”
She then turned her anger on gossip columns, specifically Page Six, despite our being big fans of hers. “It’ll chew you up and spit you out,” she said, leaning in and adding that being a gossip reporter just isn’t a “respectable job.”
Cattrall asked, “Why don’t you work at — what’s that news agency — Roybers?” When we corrected her, “Reuters,” she conceded, “Yeah, sorry, I’ve been drinking.”
But she didn’t stop there, ranting, “What about writing for a blog? Then you can write about what you want [or] care about.”
Cattrall, holding court at the after-party at the Pamella Roland-sponsored bash at downtown Hotel Chantelle’s rooftop, seemed peeved that because of our deadlines, we hadn’t arrived in time to see her movie — in which her gritty role is a dramatic change from her glamorous and famously oversexed “Sex and the City” character, Samantha Jones.
“You didn’t see my film,” she spat. “Why are you even here?”