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from The Los Angeles City Fire Department is investigating a report that one of their trucks was featured in a pornography movie filmed in Venice, Calif. The investigation was sparked after a local news station aired footage of an exposed actress committing vulgar acts near and on a Venice Station 63 truck.
LAFD spokesperson Capt. Jaime Moore confirmed that an investigation by the Professional Standards Division started in late April or early May.
“The fire chief at the time, Chief Peaks, asked for an immediate investigation by the Professional Standards Division, which is equivalent to Internal Affairs. It is made up of fire department and civilian investigators,” Moore confirmed.
Current Fire Chief Brian Cummings “has emphasized that he will get to bottom of it, and perform thorough investigation,” Moore added.
The investigation seeks to determine if the firefighters had previous knowledge of the filming or took part in organizing the shoot.
“The investigation is two-fold. We want to determine if there was any inappropriate behavior within the department, and also clear anyone’s name,” Moore said.
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has also commented on the incident, telling the Los Angeles Times, “It does cause me concern that a film of that type would be filmed anywhere close to city property. It’s unacceptable.”
Charley Chase, the actress featured in the film, issued a statement on her website denying the fire fighters’ involvement.
“The Fire Fighters watched me stroll the beach from a distance, but were NOT involved in us invading the truck,” she wrote on her blog. “I love how news people bend and twist the stories they report to better suit there point. Yet, the video and initial report continually stresses the firefighters’ participation.”
The local news report from earlier this week alleges the firefighters’ direct participation, claiming they arranged the shoot with the producers of the movie, which Chase says was shot almost three years ago, and even parked the truck in handicapped spots for easier accessibility. The news report showed a group of firefighters watching from a nearby location, one of whom says, “I am a fireman, I know them.”
“The video alleges the Fire Department was directly involved – though anything having to do with filming goes through my office, and I can speak first and that any permit or permission was not granted or filed in our office,” Moore adamantly claimed.
Allegations also surfaced from this investigation of LAFD involvement in a second shoot using a truck from Hollywood’s Station 41.
No personnel have been fired or placed on leave as of the result of the incident, but Captain Moore reiterated, “We take a lot of pride that we are taken to higher standard. We want to maintain the confidence of the people we serve, and unfortunately it’s pieces like this that blemish your reputation.”