If you want lions and tigers and bears you best go to the Wizard of Oz.
But the more I talk to Papa Bear Bill Margold about football and porn, the more I’m convinced that in some weird way we’re soulmates what with our parallel stories. Hate to disappoint, though. This isn’t about bromance or man-love. It’s about Bobby Layne and the Detroit Lions; about Concrete Charlie Bednarik and the Philadelphia Eagles.
In all the conversations I’ve had with Margold, and there’ve been plenty, I never asked him about this thing of his with the Detroit Lions. I figured maybe he got mugged in Detroit one time and developed an obsession with the city. But it’s nothing like that. When the subject came up again the other week, Margold sends me a tear sheet of an article he wrote in the LA Xpress several years ago. I got the chills. His story about the Lions is practically my story about the Eagles.
“It all began with a football card,” Margold’s article begins.
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