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from – A cheerleader for the Cincinnati Bengals who is also a former teacher in Kentucky is under investigation for allegedly having “inappropriate relations” with a student.
Sarah Jones resigned her job at Dixie Heights High School on November 30. Her lawyer confirms there are two investigations into the 26-year-old Jones. One of them is by the school board; the other is by law enforcement. Jones denies any wrongdoing.
“Sarah denies it completely and apparently the quote, un quote ‘victim’ denies it and is not cooperating,” attorney Eric Deters told 9 News. “And his parents are upset Sarah is having to go through this which is not usually the case in these situations.”
He added, “Sarah is being fully cooperative, and there have been no charges filed against her.”
Jones made national news last year when she won an $11 million judgment against the website, after the site accused her of being promiscuous, among other things.