from – Before he was running for president, Newt Gingrich made a couple of embarrassing blunders that had his name sharing headlines with the phrases ”strip club” and “porn industry.”
In 2009, Gingrich’s fundraising group American Solutions for Winning the Future doled out awards and the chance to dine with Newt to business leaders across the country, and in return the group asked for a $5,000 donation.
The honors proved mostly hollow when the owner of Pink Visual, a company that sells pornographic videos and that hadn’t donated to Gingrich’s group, got a letter from American Solutions telling her that she’d been granted the “well deserved award” and a chance to share a meal with Gingrich in Washington.
Once that news got out, American Solutions went backsies on the award, leaving the porn company owner feeling bitter.
Lesson not learned, Gingrich’s group made the same kind of mistake again, awarding the Entrepreneur of the Year to the owner of a strip club in Dallas after it confused her with someone else. Once again, the award was taken back when the group realized what it had done.
Dawn Rizos [pictured], the strip club owner, got another message from American Solutions in 2010, asking for money, and in turn gave Gingrich a VIP membership to her establishment.
No word on whether the former speaker of the House ever stopped by.
Rizos did not return ABC News’ request for comment.