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from – If you prefer to purchase your puppies from porn stars (who doesn’t?!) then you might want to hit a special pet adoption event tomorrow.
L.A. Animal Rescue and Tailwaggers are hosting an event called “Porn Stars for Puppies (and Cats, too!)” where animal lovers can help animals find forever homes, and meet some well known adult film talent.
Hosting the event are Mary Carey and Shelley Lubben, two of the porn stars–well, former porn stars–who are profiled in the documentary “After Porn Ends.”
At the pet adoption event, Carey and Lubben will be joined by other adult performers involved in the documentary, and there will be fun things like a raffle, a “puppy and kitty kissing booth” (we assume this is where you kiss the pets, not the porn stars), giveaways, and, of course dogs and cats.
To save $50 off the $250 pet adoption fee, event attendees can check in via FourSquare or Facebook at the event OR show your “After Porn Ends” iTunes download receipt.
The event will take place at Tailwaggers in Hollywood from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday June 3, 2012.