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Conversations with Tianna Lynn-update

Porn Valley- Tianna Lynn has just wrapped up a scene with Leah Love and Lee Stone for Mitch Spinelli’s I Like ‘Em in Pigtails. Lynn’s the one wearing pigtails, Stone isn’t. But Stone’s tanned man ass pumps rhythmically in tune with Lynn’s “fuck my young pussy” yelps and moanings.

I mention to Stone afterwards that I’ll be listening to his KSEX show Monday. Stone tells me that he liked the 6 pm time slot because it didn’t present too many conflicts since he generally shoots gonzo and can fit scenes around that time frame.

But tonight’s show presented some problems because Stone got approached by Michael Adams to appear in a feature and Stone had to say no. A certain female performer had a short list of muscle guys that she would work with and Stone was one of them. Stone still said no. When Adams suggested that maybe all of six people might be listening to the KSEX show, Stone still said, no, that he had already given his commitment to Aria and that he stands on principle. Stone wonders aloud why some big budgeted shoots wait almost to the last minute to book talent. There was one instance, he recalled, of Digital Playground contacting him. He was working out in the gym and was asked to be the boy in Jesse Jane’s first boy-girl scene. When Stone learned that the shoot was for the next day, he casually asked who had been booked prior and bowed out. He was told it had been Julian. Stone suggested that he be called the next time when he was first on the list and told Digital, no.

Back to Tianna Lynn- proof positive that men will certainly make passes at girls who wear glasses. Lynn’s been in the business about six months though she had an episode earlier on that almost soured her on porn. Lynn had also competed in the KSEX Games on behalf of Red Light District. One event was the topless potato sack race. “I was very bad at it,”she smiles. “But I was enthused. I’m like an inch from the ground falling but I’m still hopping along. I made it. Then Rayveness took it home.” It was noted that Lynn wasn’t in the bitch fight but Lynn said she’s got a trainer and promises to be back next year to compete.

Gene: You think you could kick some ass.

TL: My problem is that I’d start hitting. LOL And that’s bad. I’m a nice girl. But if it gets intense, fuck you!

Gene: How did a nice girl wind up in porn?

TL: It’s going to pay for my schooling. My goals.

Gene: What are your goals.

TL: I want to get a career that I can do at home, so that I can be an at-home mom. I’m going to be taking on-line classes in a month.

Gene: Gee, the goal of most girls in the industry is to score their next drug buy.

TL: But I will admit, I’m a former addict. Believe it or not, porn changed me.

Gene: Chloe has said the same thing.

TL: I saw so much of it that it made me sick- drugs in the porn industry. I just watch it and it reminds me of my life.

Gene: Don’t take this the wrong way. You’re a very sweet-looking woman. How do you wind up taking a fall from grace like that.

TL: I wanted to live a full life. I wanted to try everything twice because I’d rather do it young than when I was older an already had kids. And there I am trying a drug and all of a sudden I like it. I wanted to try it while I was young and get it on. And I did get all the drugs out of my system until I tried the one thing. I graduated from high school in two years. I was in college. I had everything lined up for me and I freaked out. I was like where did my life go. I need to be a kid. And so I got on meth. And I lost a year and a half of my life. And then I realized I have so much more than that.

Gene: When you were on all these drug binges, did you find yourself having wild, crazy sex that you didn’t remember?

TL: Yes and no. The drug that I did actually made you very horny. That was self-satisfying. When I did coke I didn’t want anyone touching me. It was gross. I hate it. I don’t want anything on my mouth because my mouth was sticking to my teeth. And these guys are all so horny and are on you.

Gene: When was the first time you had sex.

TL: 15, 16. I had an instance when I was 8 but I don’t consider that sex [she was raped]. My neighbor. When I first really wanted to have sex it was 16. It was my first boyfriend. I was really scared. He bought me a rose and that was sweet. I felt guilty by teasing him so much. I ended up doing it and I couldn’t stop it. LOL. Then when I started having sex, I never had a real orgasm so I was scared. I was embarrassed. I learned a year a half ago that it was alright. Now I can’t stop!

Gene: You went to high school in two years?

TL: Yes.

Gene: Smart?

TL: Yes, I did classes, I worked three jobs and I tutored college students in their English and intermediate Algebra.

Gene: So what made you decide this business.

TL: Another thing I wanted to do when I was young. I an my career and this is going to help pay for my schooling. In anything I do I want to be the best I can be. I am my own competition. I figured I’d take this out, now, knock that out, pay for my schooling and do as good a job as I can in this industry and move on to the next.

Gene: You look like you’ve done a bit of dancing.

TL: No.

Gene: None at all? You have the dancer’s contours.

TL: I like to dance but dancing I never did because it’s so slow, and, me, when I go out dancing I am up on that floor breaking it down.

Gene: Do you normally do your sex scenes with your glasses on?

TL: I usually start with them on and then they’ll come off. It just hurts to give head and they’ll get bumped. I like to start off seeing the guy.

Gene: You must have done at least one scene where you took the glaze on your lens.

TL: I think we tried.

Gene: It’ll change the prescription, I have to warn you.

TL: If you didn’t notice, I cum on my face. It sprays backwards.

Gene: The same thing happens to me, too. I can never avoid that.

[Tianna talks about white spots that form on her glasses.]

TL: Oh man, I’ve got cum on my glasses and it’s my own cum. It’s funny.

Gene: How exactly did you go about getting in the business. Did you answer an ad?

TL: I tried it a year and a half ago. I came out three weeks to California. They booked me for everything I didn’t want to do.

Gene: Such as.

TL: Gangbang, interracial, anal. I got tore up. I was in the hospital three times. They literally fucked my [ass] hole up.

Gene: Who was your agent.

TL: DK. I ended up doing a shot at his house. I never lived in a house like that and I was impressed. He showed me this lifestyle I could live and I ended up getting back on drugs in that house. I’m from Tucson, Arizona. And I swore I would never do porn again. But I missed it. A part of me longed for it. I was, like, I belong there.

Gene: You say you wound up in the hospital three times?

TL Yes. Allergic to lubes being pounded to hard and my cervix closed up; and my asshole got ripped.

[Tianna says she doesn’t remember who was particularly responsible.]

TL: I worked so much and it kept happening, happening and happening. That’s why I don’t like huge cocks. It’s not enjoyable to me. I came back into the industry to support a friend. And I met this guy Tim who’s my agent. He works for Naughty Modeling.

Gene: Tim the leprechaun.

TL: Oh stop! He is the most respectful agent that I’ve ever worked with. I told him exactly what I will and will not do, that this is my rate. He got it for me. He’ll jerk around and say you want to do a triple anal. I’lll be, like, yeah, sure- for twenty five cents. We’ll joke around but when it comes down to it, he has a lot of respect for me. He doesn’t try anything with me. He doesn’t try to get me to do privates. He’s so professional and it’s great. I’ve been here five months and everyone has seen this vast improvement in me since I have been with this agency. There’s a lot of support. I love it now.

Gene: How about the other girls in the agency.

TL: They feel the same way, too. And it’s great because it’s the one agency where I guarantee 98% of us get along. We love each other.

Gene: I hear that some other agencies try to urge girls to do what they don’t want to do.

TL: Yeah. Tim doesn’t do that. He’ll ask of course if you want to do this. If we’re uncomfortable, it’s, okay, don’t do it.

[Duc Floored who’s sitting in on the interview asks Tianna to assess her spiritual well-being.]

TL: I know fornication is a sin but I know I’m a good person. Believe it or not this has gotten me off the streets. This has gotten me going for my goals. I still have my relationship with God and that’s all I need. He will always be in my heart and I always believe in my savior. He did die for my sins and, yes, I do sin, but I’m not perfect.

Gene: Are you a regular church goer?

TL: I believe my church is within me. I do like to go to church on occasion but I don’t feel it should be a chore. It should be something that you want to do. If it makes you feel happy inside then I think it’s just great. I don’t think people should be forced to go. They should have their own relationship with their God.

Gene: Among your goals you told me you want to be a mother. Is that sooner or later.

TL: I want to give it a couple of years. I want to be able to have a degree an I want to be able to set up my life so my kids can have a good life. If it happens I will work with it.

[Tianna says she practices birth control. Asked what porn star’s baby she would readily have, Tianna answers Jean Valjean with nary a thought.]

TL: I think we would have beautiful kids. We have the same color hair. Our eyes, the French and the German and whatever else I am.

[I suggested that genetics could play tricks and that Tianna could wind up with a leprechaun.]

TL: And I would love it just as much.

[Duc asks if Tianna would have Nick Manning’s baby.]

TL: He’s a cool guy.

Duc: He sells his sperm on the Internet.

[Tianna thinks that’s pretty funny. She mentions that she has her first movie out. First in the sense that the title is dedicated to her.

TL: Elegant Angel had me do my first movie- Tianna Lynn: Cum Rain, Cum Shine. My movie. Hopefully we’re going to start a second one. He doesn’t know how to do a sequel to that.

Gene: Let’s talk about the cumming.

TL: I love cum. I love to be cummed on by myself and everybody else. I can cum 15 times in a row and I guarantee if you walk away without cumming I am pissed.

Gene: You think they might set in a contest between you and Cytherea?

TL: Everybody keeps asking that. Me and her squirt in such different ways. I have to play with my clit at the same time of penetration. When I cum I have to play with my clit. Therefore it kind of aims backwards into my mouth. She goes this way- she’s like a hose; and I’m like this gusher-thing. It’s funny. I hate competition. She’s Cytherea because she’s Cytherea. And I’m Tianna for being Tianna. It’s different. I don’t see how you can compare the two. Everybody says are we going to have a squirting contest? I’m, like, why? It’s so different. How do you measure that?

Gene: How did you make DK’s acquaintance?

TL: I came out to California through an agent I had in Tucson who knew some friends who knew some porn people. I was living at Justin Slayer’s house. I got a shoot at Justin Slayer’ house. There was like four different guys there and me and another girl staying there. DK was, like, I’ve got an extra room. And he talked to my agent. I hadn’t signed any contracts. I ended up staying there. It was so glamorous. I was, like, people really live like this? I come from Tucson. I come from a little desert home.

Gene: What do you do for kicks in Tucson on a Saturday night.

TL: I play with my cats. It depends on where my friends go. We used to hit parties but I think parties are so lame now. Because why am I going to be around a bunch of people doing drugs? I hate watching it! I seriously do. Not that I’m much better when I drink. But still. I’m an ass when I drink but I like to kick back and have a get together. We used to play pool and stuff like that. I’ll still drink but I’m very aware about my surroundings because I know drinking will be a fall back. I’m very aware of who comes to my house and where I’m at when I drink. I’ll drink at my house around my roommate [Vanilla Skye] who is sober and she’s got a couple of friends who also don’t do drugs. I’m fine. I’m in a normal environment. I’m not tempted. I will not drink in a house that I know drugs will be there.

Gene: The first time you performed on camera what was going through your mind.

TL: I was very intimidated. I was so intimidated because I’m used to making guys come like that [she snaps her finger]. Because you know how they have to keep jerking, whatever happened to just looking at me! LOL. I’m like am I doing something wrong. If they don’t cum in a blowjob after five minutes I’m like something’s wrong. Then we start having sex. A half an hour later, why haven’t I got you off yet? I thought I was hot until I got here.

Gene: Were you hot shit in high school?

TL: Yes and no. A lot of the other girls boyfriends wanted me. I was a friend with a lot of those boyfriends but I wouldn’t take it there. I was more focused on my studies. The guys thought I as stuck up. The girls thought I was a slut because the guys would talk about me. It was one big dramafest. I’m like here to get my education.

Gene: Did you still do anal?

TL: No. Because of what happened a year and a half ago. Don’t get me wrong. My ass craves a finger once in awhile and I’ll do the little toys. I’m so like comfortable with myself. I’ve tried. But if a guy comes near my ass I will shoot five feet that way. But my ass is, I want it, I want it. But when it gets there, it’s like waaaagh, get away!


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