For a multi-billion dollar porn industry, $500 sounds like a drop in a bucket. But that’s what Jack Venice, aka Christopher Jack Reid, needs to continue his fight on a trumped-up rape charge in the state of Washington. While I can’t say for sure, I’ll bet the people who’ve made money off of Venice’s toil in the porn vineyards aren’t even aware of his plight.
Jack went up to Washington to scout out the terrain for one of those on-campus sex excursions, during which he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He’s convicted of raping a WSU coed, never mind the fact that his DNA was never found on her. But her boyfriend’s was. During the course of the investigation lab reports got “lost” and Venice remains in jail.
His case appears to be heading for the Court of Appeals. In the mean time there are vital depositions that need to be taken next week from people with valuable information to his case. Venice needs $500 to hire a certified transcriber to keep this thing going. If you’re interested in helping, you can go directly to where you can make the donation by credit card.
Otherwise you can contact me at for more information.