Tim Case writes apparently an open letter: Mike South, my friend, you oughta be ashamed. We’ve been friends for years — friends hell, I consider you my family, Brotha — and I sit here now, chagrined and embarrassed by actions I’m afraid you may have taken today. You are a true southern gentleman who, more than anyone in XXX, has tried for years to walk the walk AND talk the talk, to be a real person, and to always take a stand for integrity in a lowdown business which rarely has any to exhibit. I may be talking out of turn here, as I don’t really know why your recent review of the Digital Playground film “Contract Stars” is no longer available on your website — but I gotta tell you, buddy, I sure do have my suspicions. It was up for a day, maybe two at most, and now it’s gone. Maybe I’m way off base to assume that you might have been contacted by someone at a certain company and asked to maybe take down that review, a review which no one would really call “negative” in any way…[hell, I’ve seen you turn on the heat when someone puts out a real piece of trash, and I think you were probably as gentle in your “negativity” as anyone could have been when it came to commenting on the newest Robby D release.] Let me guess…Adella? Joon? Sam? Who got to you, Mikey? I can’t imagine anyone giving a shit about a porn journalist’s review of a video in the first place, let alone anyone getting ticked off enough to actually ask you to take the damn thing down, but maybe I’m way off base here in Ohio and underestimating the power those on the Left Coast ascribe to WWW.MIKESOUTH.COM. So, what gives? Have we lost just a smidgen of integrity here? Are all those rumors of you being on the DP payroll really true? Is that the powerful stench of men-da-city I detect down there in the Georgia air? Somewhere, I’m afraid that Gene Ross, Rob Black, and Sharon Mitchell are smiling… Dude, just tell me it ain’t so. Tim Case
Tim Case: Who Got to You, Mikey