Porn Valley- Former porn princess Chloe Jones has tattled to the tabloids that “Two and a Half Men” star Charlie Sheen paid $15,000 to shack up with her for four hours in a hotel while still married to Denise Richards. According to reports in the National Enquirer, Jones, who worked for an escort service, said that her assignation with the actor occurred last February in the Hotel Bel-Air. And the next night, he tracked her down at another hotel and begged for more! “I didn’t break up Charlie’s marriage to Denise,” said the ex-X-rated actress. “It was already broken when we spent two days together in February.” The 29-year-old Houston mother of three, who came forward after surviving a near-death appendectomy, told the Enquirer that Sheen “showered me with gifts and praise. It was wild and crazy!” Apparently, Sheen aka “Rusty Ties,” had been her favorite client before his marriage to Richards, a former Bond Girl. “He said he hadn’t been able to see me because he’d been married but now he said his wife was `a bleep, a control freak. She wants to know where I’m going, what I’m doing, if I’m gambling, if I’m smoking!’ ” Jones recounted. “Inside the room, he played rock ‘n’ roll music on a local radio station and we tried to make love.” Later, the demon-battling actor broke down and told Chloe he’d “fallen off the wagon” and that “he’d let his family down, his marriage was a mess.” “He was like a lost little child,” Chloe surmised. “It was therapy he needed – not a hooker.” For the record, Sheen’s rep told the Enquirer his client was home watching the Super Bowl with nine pals when Jones alleged their tryst took place. The next day, he said, Charlie was back on his sitcom’s set and went home after putting in a full day.
Charlie Was Watching the Super Bowl