Porn Valley- The JET Multimedia Line of Movies has been sold to World Planet Enterprises, Inc.
The movie line known as JET Multimedia has been acquired and will be distributed by World Planet Enterprises from their Chatsworth distribution facilities. Most of the people from JET have moved to World Planet so your contact person should not change. Effective April 11, 2005….The contact information for World Planet Enterprises, Inc is:
Mail and Shipping Address: World Planet Enterprises, Inc., 9539 Cozycroft Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311; Telephone: 818-718-0209; Facsimilie: 818-709-3556; General Email Addresses: AccountingDept:;SalesDepartment:; Note: Email addresses for specific people have not changed.
Payments: Payments can be made to either World Planet Enterprises, Inc. or JET Multimedia, Inc.
Please use this updated contact information to avoid delays in contacting us. Old contact addresses, phone numbers and email addresses will no longer be supported after 4/15/05 so please update your files promptly. Thank YouWorld Planet Enterprises, Inc. / JET Multimedia
Sandy Bunz of Flashpoint posts the following: Due to increasing demand of our video productions, we have moved to a new and larger location.
We have tripled our space requirements and will be able to meet higher expectations; both in the quality of our video productions, and sales distribution of our DVD product lines. If you are in the area of Porn Valley, drop by and see our new facility.
Our new address is: 15825 Devonshire St., Granada Hills, CA 91344; 818-893-1200 Main Business Line; 818-893-5455 FAX. Please make a note of these changes.
Thank You for your business, SANDY BUNZ