The only team in NFL history to ever have a PERFECT season was and still is The Miami Dolphins. There may only be a few true fans left, and yes, you love to mock us, but there’s no denying reality.
You may say, “oh that was a long time ago” and all the other little whiny bullshit that haters like to spew. Yet that just makes it even more special. It was such an incredible achievement, it still hasn’t been repeated.
Congrats to the Giants for kickin’ some Chowderhead ass!
Congrats to the Pats for a good, impressive season.
But most of all, congrats to The Miami Dolphins for staying special! (And not the kind of ‘special’ that they display lately…you know what I mean…like that little yellow bus special…oh yeah, I can admit we suck NOW! LOL)
And now back to your porn….!