Dumb Ass Random Shit

Attention Whore Scumbag Mudshark Kardashian Claims She Was Robbed At Gunpoint = BULLSHIT!

Whorebag attention whore and hooker scumbag mudshark lowlife Kim Kardashian is claiming that she was robbed at gunpoint and bound and gagged in Paris and robbed of jewels to the tune of $10M+. BULLSHIT!


First of all, this is a family that is famous for doing absolutely nothing. Zero talent. This shit wouldn’t fly if this was the 70’s or 80’s but these social media whores have used technology and their being scumbag whorebags to their advantage as well as paying off various media outlets to run stories on them. Second, if the hooker was staying in a “luxury residence” then there will be video from the security cameras of the alleged perpetrators coming and leaving the residence and that footage will be made public. But that footage does not exist and these evil scumbags have made their way to the top of the page once again with lies and bullshit. And if there were no security cameras then the place was certainly no luxury residence.


However, a lesson can be learned from this hoax and that is – American attention whore women should stop bragging about their useless bullshit and broadcasting it all over the web. Someone who is a lot more street smart than you will see it and decide to rob your dumb ass and maybe they will off you at the same time. Lord knows the world would have been better off if these “Robbers” would have “taken out the trash,” so to speak in this case – That was if this actually happened and we have already decided that it did not. No one gives a flying fuck at what you have. Do you hear this, Christian Wians and Mariah Milano? Keep your boasting to yourself or you get what you deserve when some low life scumbag robs and beats you and leaves you lying on the street.


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