Every once in a blue decade, the adult industry does a Leave It to Beaver parody. This time Xavier Productions tackles it with a cleavage family consisting of Ava Divine, Lisa Sparxx, Tara Moon, Holly Body and Sheridan Leigh. The male cast consists of Ian Daniels, Lee Stone, Tony Sexton and Matt Dixel. Shooting is set for October 1.
Sam Xavier says the only script difference is that The Beaver’s coming home from college seeing as how it would be rather inopportune in this legal climate to feature anyone under 18. “We can’t make them six years-old. It won’t work. I think the cops would come,” says Xavier rather tongue-in-cheekly.
In other, ahem, developments, the company has re-vamped its boobville.com website. Xavier explains the changes thusly: “I wanted to make it easy for guys who are just getting into it [website hopping]. I look at it as someone my age who’d be on the Net and how difficult it would be for him. I feel if I could go in there and traverse it really very, very easily, then we’ve succeeded with the design.” Xavier points out that there’s a lot of product to be found on boobsville site. “Everybody on the ‘Net consistently says we’re the biggest. Here we’ve got 700 boxes that people can now look at. In my mind, one picture is worth a thousand words. The old concepts worked years ago and why shouldn’t they work in the future. The site is growing very nicely.”