Brandon Iron posts on – Before Kacey Jordan partied with 45-year-old Charlie Sheen, she partied with 49-year-old Steve Holmes and 6 other dudes for SHE IS HALF MY AGE #4. As Mr. Sheen is suffering from a hernia these days, I am offering the star of TWO AND A HALF MEN a free dvd to help him pass the time as he recuperates. Apparently, he is a porn connoisseur and I would be honoured if he added this to his collection.
You can watch TWO AND A HALF MEN for 30 minutes or you can watch dozens more dumping loads on the faces and in the mouths of women old enough to do porn but young enough not to know better. 3 hours. No commercials. The choice is yours. AND you don’t have to fly to Las Vegas and pay for a luxurious suite. Sweet!
This dvd is available on VOD here: or you can buy it here:
To read more about recent events between Kacey and Charlie, click here: