Porn Valley- Brian, aka Plus One, [pictured] visited the Lorrainiac show on KSEX Tuesday night. He mentioned that the last time he consumed any alcohol was the last time he was on the show. Lorrainiac thought Brian looked 90% better than the last time she saw him.
“That’s back handed,” Brian observed. “You ain’t as fucked up as I thought you were. What does that mean?”
Lorrainiac explained that he was getting skinny and now he’s putting weight back on.
The obvious topic was Cytherea, and Lorrainiac said that was the burning question.
“What’s going on with Cytherea? Are you guys talking? Are you guys getting back together?”
Brian said he hasn’t spoken to Cytherea in two and a half weeks.
“Maybe we should call her,” suggested Lorrainac. Brian said she didn’t have a number but Lorrainiac said she did.
“The last time I talked to her was about a month ago,” she said. “Then Powder called me on the phone screaming that you [Brian] couldn’t come in that night because Cytherea was supposed to be on Batman’s show and I got upset.”
Lorrainiac explained that Cytherea was originally supposed to be on her show but Lorrainiac got a head for the hills phone call from Powder, that Brian shouldn’t be at KSEX to avoid a confrontation.
“Batman had the cast of some movie and Cytherea’s name was on the list,” added Lorrainiac. “But Cytherea never made it into the studio. It was just a whole lot of assumptions being made.”
Brian said Cytherea didn’t have his new number and he didn’t have her new number which makes communication difficult.
“You know she shaved her had, right?” Lorrainiac told Brian who said he had heard that.
“There’s mixed reports on what Cytherea looks like with no hair,” said Lorrainiac.
“We did the computer-thing when she got the idea a couple of years ago,” Brian replied. “She’s been wanting to do it forever.”
“She’s now GI Cy,” laughed Lorrainiac.
Brian explained that he had been in touch but then started getting an “unauthentic number”.
An attempt was made to call Cytherea on the air with no luck proving Brian’s point. Lorrainiac mentioned something about calling Harry Weiss and Brian flashed her a look.
“Are you and Harry having a tiff?” she asked.
“Not yet,” Brian replied.
“Do you and Harry not get along,” Lorrainiac further questioned.
“Apparently not,” said Brian. He was asked to explain.
“I have an issue with Harry,” said Brian. “The day that Cytherea left is the last time that Harry had the courtesy to answer or return a single one of my phone calls.”
“Essentially he was using your friendship for Cytherea,” Lorrainiac assumed.
“I’m not stupid,” said Brian. “I didn’t expect any loyalty but I mean I did expect some common fucking courtesy.” Brian said the last time he spoke to Cytherea he was on a land line that was blocked and she was on her cell.
“It was go fuck yourself, click,” said Brian. “And so I called her back and it went to voice mail. Then I called her back thirty seconds later and her phone was now shut off. Then the very next day I got a new cell phone so she has no way to reach me.”
Lorrainiac wondered why Cytherea would tell Brian to go fuck himself.
“Were you being mean to her?” she asked.
“I don’t think so,” answered Brian. “I haven’t been mean to her. I love her to death and I’ll spend the rest of my life sorry but I’m done fucking apologizing.” Lorrainiac pointed out that it’s been almost a year.
“She’s doing stellar, isn’t she?” Brian asked sarcastically. Lorrainiac said she’s talked to Cytherea a couple of times but that’s been it.
“It was a career move to get rid of me,” said Brian. To which Lorrainiac said she hasn’t seen Cytherea’s name in the news or anything.
“I guess a good career move was making three movies last calendar year, whatever,” said Brian.
Lorrainiac asked about the miniature cow that Brian was getting. He said it was half paid for, completely trained and wandering around Washington. He said it was also house broken. The cow is named Flower, but Lorrainiac said since Cytherea and Flower Tucci are friends, again, you can’t name the cow Flower