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Cocaine Cowboy Peter Acworth Making Noise In Las Vegas Again; Sets Up Office And Studio

I got a chuckle out of an article I read about everybody’s favorite sadomasochistic blowhard Peter Acworth. The Cocaine Cowboy of

I guess Petey’s trying to show the world what big balls the adult industry has. He’s gonna show everybody how the industry is gonna respond to pending condom legislation. It’s unbelievably hilarious that this man is one of our leaders. He is our representation. Not people like Steven Hirsch, Axel Braun or companies like Wicked. It’s amazing that nobody calls up Peter Acworth and says, “Bro, will you just chill the fuck out?”

I said it time and again. Peter Acworth is part of a regime that includes John Stagliano who have positioned themselves to call the shots. They are a minority calling the shots for the majority. We live in a society where the majority rules, but in our business, the majority stays silent. They stay in the shadows. Whether it’s because of their influence or money or whether they’ve rigged the game, this minority regime has set policy for the rest of us. They control the trade group Free Speech Coalition, they control the testing facilities. Efforts to wrestle that control away have been futile.

This sordid group of mongrels have brought this business down to its lowest level. Thanks to John Stagliano’s dangerously irresponsible sexual behavior and Peter Acworth’s abusive and unsanitary actions at the San Francisco Armory, the adult industry is now viewed by the world as a wild wild west of disease and violent sex criminals.

Peter Acworth somehow has this notion that if he screams and shouts and threatens to move his business to Las Vegas, to take his toys from the sandbox to escape condom legislation, that state officials are gonna bow down and apologize and say please no, don’t go. If Peter Acworth would just shut up and get the fuck out, it would draw a lot less heat on this industry and would shift the scrutiny to where it belongs. Just leave. Get the fuck out and don’t let the dungeon door hit you on your leather clad ass on the way out.

Acworth’s latest and loudest propaganda is telling everyone that he has shot a couple of movies in Las Vegas and he has leased production and office space there. There have been people shooting in Las Vegas on a regular basis for years, but Peter Acworth felt compelled to put a press release out. Not only that, he felt compelled to produce a video.

The video shows him and his people in a car driving in Vegas shooting different places throughout the city. It’s intercut with him giving his observations and talking about all of these great things happening in Las Vegas. Talking about opening an office and shooting and if the bill in the assembly gets passed that will move their entire operation there. Once again, Peter Acworth is threatening, as if he’s Google or Microsoft. “I’m gonna take my thousands of employees and millions in tax revenue and decimate the state of California.” Peter Acworth is doing what a bunch of other people are doing now, except they’re being quiet about it.

Think about this. You have a lot of people already shooting in Vegas. They’re going under the radar and not making noise. Now you have Peter Acworth shouting, “Hey everybody! I’m going to Las Vegas! I’m opening an office! Fuck everybody! If Governor Brown signs that bill, I’m gonna move there forever! It’s a great community with great people and we’re gonna do whatever we want and nobody can do anything about it!”

So now AIDS Healthcare Foundation can reference this video and put it in the hands of government officials and say that is coming to town and the owner says nobody can do anything about it. Peter Acworth is saying that only prostitutes are required to use condoms. The thing is, he’s not even setting up shop where prostitution is legal. He’s opening up right on the Strip! Then there’s the tricky situation of the Freeman decision in California being the only thing that prevents adult performers from being prostitutes. Freeman only applies in California and New Hampshire. But that don’t matter to ol’ Petey. Condom laws be damned and let the jizz fly!

Peter Acworth doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up. He’s waving to everybody in Vegas and saying we don’t have to use condoms there. He’s rubbing peoples face in it. We’ve talked about how Las Vegas is not this bastion of liberalism. Harry Reid is a Democrat, but the other senator is a Republican and the governor is a Republican. There are elements in Nevada and Las Vegas who are not gonna roll out the red carpet for porn. Las Vegas is a union town. The adult industry says fuck regulation and operates with impunity like the wild wild west. We do what we want. Peter Acworth is coming in like Nicky Santoro from Casino saying Las Vegas is wide open and he can do whatever he wants.

Peter Acworth produces a video that he thinks is gonna make California legislators quake in their boots and not pass the condom bill because he’s threatening to leave. He’s thumbing his nose at state legislators, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Isadore Hall and by doing so is putting the entire industry on the chopping block. He says you don’t have to worry about permits or OSHA or exchanging bodily fluids because Las Vegas doesn’t give a fuck.

I can’t wait until the people in the seats of power in Vegas and Nevada see this video. A video with Peter Acworth saying, “Vegas is great! We can beat people, spray biohazards everywhere and we’re all doing this because California wants to put all these regulations on us. We say fuck you California! We’re going to the City of Sin because they don’t care what we do. Come on down!” They’re going to an area that has been trying desperately to change its image to a place where you can bring the entire family.

We’re talking about Las Vegas. Not talking about Atlantic City and the Philly mob. We’re talking about a city that has invested billions to change its reputation to a place where you can bring the kids. Where the family can go to amusement parks during the day and mom and dad can have adult fun at night. Peter Acworth puts out a video saying that Las Vegas is opening its arms to anyone and everyone in the porn industry.

Peter Acworth, if you were around and doing this during the glory days of porn, you would’ve gotten your head blown off already. They would’ve found you in one of those Las Vegas hotel rooms with a needle in your arm and said you died of a drug overdose. They would’ve killed you and set it up to make it look like you OD’d.

It’s amusing that he would say that OSHA regulations don’t apply to porn shot in Las Vegas. OSHA is a federal agency. Prostitutes are heavily regulated, but the porn industry can do whatever it wants. Every stripper is licensed. Every girl who dances in an adult club has to get bonded, go to the sheriff and apply for a permit where they do background checks. But the sheriff, OSHA, the permit offices and health regulators don’t give a fuck what porn performers do. All of these rules for sex related activity don’t apply to porn according to Peter Acworth.

Peter Acworth says that he has been talking to lawyers, to officials and they are giving the green light to let the jizz fly. They are going to create this huge industry that is untouchable because of the English douchebag Peter Acworth.

It defies logic. Las Vegas has policies in place and organizations already set up. Permits and licenses that are already required. You don’t think those will be applied to porn? You’re fucking delusional.

Imagine if the condom legislation passed and the entire multi-billion dollar porn industry moved to Nevada. The industry has been left alone so far because there are only a few people shooting under the radar. If Peter Acworth brings his empire and the billion dollar industry follows him, do you really think they’re not gonna get taxed? If the industry all packs up and moves to Nevada, the legislators, the health officials, politicians, everybody is gonna come down on the business and say “Time to pay the piper. Oh, you didn’t have to pay before? Fuck you, you do now. What are you gonna do? Move back to California? Fuck you, pay me.”

The adult industry has no idea how the world works because you’re all listening to a foreigner. You listen to Peter Acworth. You listen to Derek Hay. You listen to people who have no idea how the American system works. If you think the industry is gonna thrive and everybody’s gonna be left alone to make millions of dollars without being taxed you’re fucking insane. You don’t think the vice department is gonna start snooping around?

How do people listen to Peter Acworth as if he is one of us? How? He is promoting an agenda that he arrogantly thinks is gonna make the entire state of California bow down to him. He has shined a spotlight on Las Vegas that is gonna paint a big fat target on the backs of everyone there who is shooting quietly under the radar. The people who collect revenue are gonna see this video and say, “How do we find all of these people?”

Acworth said that one of the biggest agencies are already in Las Vegas. He’s talking about LA Direct. We all know that’s Derek Hay, who runs an elaborate porn prostitution ring. Thanks to Peter Acworth, now everybody knows that there is a huge agency in Las Vegas. Everybody from vice to other pimps out in Las Vegas who don’t want somebody cutting into their money. Derek Hay, another foreigner who thinks he can do whatever he wants in the United States of America.

Ultimately, this is all gonna come back and bite everybody in the ass. Instead of negotiating and working with people in California, we fought them. We fought them with people who had no business being in that position.

The ultimate shot is Peter Acworth putting out a video telling everybody that Vegas has no rules, no OSHA regulations and nobody cares what anybody does and he and all of his skeevy friends are gonna be operating in Las Vegas.

Congratulations. It has now become the happy hunting ground on you, Peter Acworth. Not just from AIDS Healthcare Foundation and legislators. You’re gonna tell me that all of the strippers, club owners and sex workers who have to get permits and licenses are gonna be fine with you blowing into town without paying a dime? All of the government officials who get a piece of that licensing are just gonna let you skate? No way, Jose. You’re gonna see a wave of licensing requirements and regulations come down the pipeline that are gonna make California look like Sunday school. Las Vegas is gonna get their money. You can bet on it.

Think about when Diane Duke said that the film permit office lost millions because people didn’t pull permits due to the condom law. If they move to Nevada, don’t you think that Nevada is gonna draft up film permit rules of their own? If the industry takes its billions of dollars of tax revenue from California, don’t you think Nevada is gonna have its hand out as soon as the porn biz crosses the state line?

Many of the people who will come to Nevada will still live in California. According to Peter Acworth, companies will set up “satellite offices.” So people will come to Nevada, evade permit fees and taxes, then take their money back to California to spend it? You think Nevada will allow itself to be double fucked? I know I’m a dummy, but you don’t think some college educated legislator or tax assessor in Nevada isn’t thinking the same thing?

Peter Acworth thinks he’s gonna bring the entire industry to Las Vegas and plant the porno flag. They’re gonna take that flag and shove it right up our asses. In Las Vegas, you gotta pay to play.

You can take that to the bank.

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