from – Further proof that the adult entertainment industry can create a parody film out of anything has arrived: director Lee Roy Myers [pictured] and Tom Byron Pictures will take The Human Centipede and turn it into — wait for it — The Human Sex-ipede. Hilarious rationalizations for this project ahead.
Why did Myers decide to embark on this project? Well, logic.
“The actual movie is about a German mad scientist that sews three people together, anus to mouth. I thought, ‘you know what, this is the perfect concept to base a parody around. Anything putting human faces that close to genitals deserves the porn treatment.’”
And how! Myers is actually the brain behind such acclaimed XXX parodies as The Office, Seinfeld and Reno 911, but according to him, The Human Sex-ipede might be his Citizen Kane.
“In this version three tourists in Germany are captured by a mad sex educator and he wants to sew them all together, mouth to genitals, and I am doing a slapstick version. It is a true parody and I think it’s one of the best things that I’ve written, at least one of the funniest things that I’ve written.”
The film is scheduled for DVD release this October. Reserve your copies now.