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Are Family Photos of Porn Actresses Children allowed to get posted?

Hey Gene Ross or any of the Mods of this forum board I have a question I need to ask I would like to know if posting family photos of Porn Actresses Families with their children in the photos allowed? I have a ton of photos of a particular Porn Actress with her Husband and children that I would like to share just to make a point and expose the Porn Actress for being a bad mother I want to expose both of them as bad parents and in order for me to do that I need to post the pictures of them with their children in them, do i need to block out the children's faces or how does that work? I really want to expose this Porn Actresses family can someone tell me what AdultFYI policy is on family photos?

crazy lady

crazy lady

Quote from justblaze2019 on October 19, 2019, 6:53 am

This person asking the questions real identity is: Jada Marteen Chambers

She has 4 current online and offline restraining orders against her which I am more than happy to post if the moderator requests them. 

All restraining orders state she is not allowed to post any pictures of the adult actress she is always posting about.

The Moderators of PWL even kicked her off of their site and posted a comment about her on their front page.

She also hates President Trump & white people which can be found on her numerous twitter and Instagram accounts she keeps putting up.

She also has a warrant out for her arrest per my understanding of this matter.

This is a current picture of her.

Forum this person @JustBlaze2019 is a trollbot that does nothing but spam and post false information he came over from Pornwikileaks his username was ( BigFanForLife) most users wanted him off of PWL he is over here mainly to troll all of my posts concerning Faghag Porn Actress Christy Canyon because he is a fan/friend of Christy Canyon that fucked her and Nicki Hunter at Playboy studios back in 2005 now he feels obligated to protect her for life cause she was the only woman he could get pussy from even though it was diseased rotten STD infected Pussy if u want more on this username check out this thread Again do not pay this Troll any attention his goal is to fuck with this website and post bullshit bogus Spam post

Also AdultFYI don't give 2 fucks about Christy Canyon just read this article  This was back in June when Christy Canyon's fake DMCA company filed a false DMCA complaint against a post that was e posted on her at PornWikileaks back in June, PornWikileaks  rejected the DMCA complaint so this troll is lying talking bullshit that I was NEVER kicked off of PWL for anything the Mods over at PWL were very loose and pretty much let people post any type of news of Adult Film Stars, And this troll is posting false information he doesnt know me, anything about me he posts dumb bullshit just to get attention on the message boards and he;s envious of the fact that Pornwikileaks made me a Senior Member within 3 months that how much they liked my posts on Porn Actresses I still have screenshots of my username at PWL and where I was listed as senior member. Like I said curry on don;t pay this troll any attention everything posted on here is protected under Section 107 of the copyright act of 1976 under fair use news reporting