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BangBros had enough

In the current world we live in, as we all know, once it’s on the internet, it’s forever. For too long, Pornwikileaks has unfortunately been a resource for hate, lies, and sensitive information. Many of us have had our real names online for the world to see. Over 15,000 performers real names were listed on Pornwikileaks. Some had phone numbers, addresses, even family members names posted as well. That type of information wasn’t voluntarily submitted. It was stolen from anyone that had it posted.

We have purchased Pornwikileaks and all of the content on there with the intention of shutting it down and removing all information associated with it. Remember We have Agreement If you still put your old content on here. We will file a lawsuit!

This industry has weathered a lot and at the end of the day we rely on each other more than we think. Sure, we all have competitors-BangBros has plenty in itself. But making enemies doesn’t make us a stronger company. Treating others well and innovating does. So our innovation this week, while not groundbreaking, hopes to make the internet a little bit better for all of us involved.

Donny Long Armed Forces has reacted to this post.
Donny Long Armed Forces

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkk you. You lying fn cunts. If you destroyed all pwl data how the FUCK YOU file a lolsuit. How you gonna claim shit is copyright if you destroyed said shit.....hmmmmmm. Just like when you file a take down notice you actually have to send a link to the shit being infringed on so ....what link will you use? Where this original content now? Either you are full off fn shit or you are the dumbest mfrs. And you ever heard of safe harbour. The website owner is not responsible for what we post...and I'll post shit all fn day just to spite your fn asses and I triple fn dog dare ya to come after me I'll see your lolsuit and raise you a few of my own. Who the fuck do you think you are trying to censor us..... a fn PORN COMPANY at that you hypocritical pieces of shit. Not all of us we there with hatred and to do harm to anyone. The GDP case is going to set the tone for many years in the industry and how biz is done. The decision will have a huge effect on the pro/am sites that you fn run yourselves. It interests me greatly and many others and fuck you for trying to silence the truth. Like my friend Andrea (Brandi Belle)  told you that one time GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Donny Long Armed Forces and Clint have reacted to this post.
Donny Long Armed ForcesClint
Quote from Bangbros on August 31, 2019, 4:44 am


To our fellow industry peers,

In the current world we live in, as we all know, once it’s on the internet, it’s forever. For too long, this site has unfortunately been a resource for hate, lies, and sensitive information. Many of us have had our real names online for the world to see. Over 15,000 performers real names were listed here. Some had phone numbers, addresses, even family members names posted as well. That type of information wasn’t voluntarily submitted. It was stolen from anyone that had it posted.

BangBros had enough. We have purchased this site with the intention of shutting it down and removing all information associated with it. There’s no catch. No hidden thing to getting your personal stuff off of it. We simply didn’t want it out there for the world to see anymore. Yes, it’s that easy. While shutting this site down doesn’t purge the internet of all possible ties to real names and what not, it does make it one less place to harbor and find these things easily. A forum that had 300,000 posts on it, most of them negative and hate-filled, has now disappeared.

If you had anything ever posted on here, it will be removed and deleted forever from here. As well as BangBros nows owns the domain. Nothing will ever be up here besides this page that you see now. So you don’t have to worry about it coming back either.

This industry has weathered a lot and at the end of the day we rely on each other more than we think. Sure, we all have competitors-BangBros has plenty in itself. But making enemies doesn’t make us a stronger company. Treating others well and innovating does. So our innovation this week, while not groundbreaking, hopes to make the internet a little bit better for all of us involved.


Buying the site and posting the logo and link there was all that was needed. The throwing of PWL under the bus and lies in that statement were uncalled for.

All of the names were not "stolen." Many were acquired using info that was already in the public domain. Everyone in the world has info out there on the net about them that they did not volunteer. These performers chose a very public career so what did they expect?

And the part about the majority of the 300,000 forum posts being negative and hate filled is also a lie. Most were spam or torrents, some were very flattering to performers, some had nothing to do with porn at all. Even real name threads mostly weren't hate filled. Some performers came to the forum and posted hate filled content @ the members so it went both ways. Monica Foster & Mercedes Ashley are two of the most hateful women walking around this planet.


felipealou and sammy88 have reacted to this post.

Fuck Yourselves BangBros. You accomplished jack. It was a PR move to try to bring many in the industry into seeing you in a more positive light.....considering that around 1/2 the industry wouldn't shoot for you (well....twice anyway). You will NOT prevent anything in the long run. Sue till your teeny weenies fall off. If we cant post here, we'll post elsewhere. Thank Jesus God that I never paid a dime for your decidedly blue collar product....Either downloaded it off limewire or later, gratefully, off of Pornhub and X Hamster. You dumbasses HAD to know that all of us spent hours saving data....ready to sprawl out a again when the time is right. I hope the hurricane blasts your buildings straight to hell fuckers We are still here!

I think Bangbros is very smart for taking a opportunity to make money off PWL not sure what else to say. I have known and done business with them for many moons and dont like seeing them get talked bad upon. Any company with a brain in there head would have bought PWL to do what they did. They are making world news headlines everywhere and getting tons of traffic and sales from it all because they bought and took down PWL. I am sad to see PWL go but hey like I said any smart company would have done it.

It was good for the seller and good for Bang Bros but two things that ought to piss off the PWL Army is that they were thrown under the bus in that bullshit statement that will be on the PWL homepage forever and Bang Bros came here and started this thread and will never return and respond to any of this. Total hit and run. With that said, PWL warned everyone to donate or else and the members just sat on their hands. PWL had no choice but to sell.

Quote from Donny Long Armed Forces on September 2, 2019, 2:15 am

It was good for the seller and good for Bang Bros but two things that ought to piss off the PWL Army is that they were thrown under the bus in that bullshit statement that will be on the PWL homepage forever and Bang Bros came here and started this thread and will never return and respond to any of this. Total hit and run. With that said, PWL warned everyone to donate or else and the members just sat on their hands. PWL had no choice but to sell.

Yes PWL server was 400 dollars a month because of the large server bill and the owners were tired of paying it only to get shit thrown at then and fight this never ending war with the gay mafia. This site is much cheaper to run and will be up forever.

felipealou has reacted to this post.