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COVID-1984 by PJW

Anton Gruber has reacted to this post.
Anton Gruber

Its like what Tucker Carlson spoke of when he said "lockdown for thee but not for me."

EP205XX has reacted to this post.

The stinky standout moments of the COVID-19 lockdowns on multiple countries within the last 5 months are

  • Nurses & doctors in USA, Canada & UK dancing & twerking for TikTok
  • Complete UK Gov dick slurping shills begging fore more draconian measures to combat COVID-19 while still allowing Arabic refugees to flood their country
  • Sweden's handling of COVID-19 allowing them to achieve Herd Immunity & making serious lockdown measures in other European countries look pathetic
  • UK sheeple clapping for the NHS while WHO is primetime shilling for China
  • around 3.5 million people losing jobs including libtards, Buzzfeed bugmen, SJWs, and working class people in heavy democratic areas of the USA
  • NYC turning into a mini-authoritarian state that spits on the US Constitution
  • COVID-19 not as deadly & devastating compared to the flu & HIV!
Quote from EP205XX on May 9, 2020, 6:11 am

The stinky standout moments of the COVID-19 lockdowns on multiple countries within the last 5 months are

  • Nurses & doctors in USA, Canada & UK dancing & twerking for TikTok
  • Complete UK Gov dick slurping shills begging fore more draconian measures to combat COVID-19 while still allowing Arabic refugees to flood their country
  • Sweden's handling of COVID-19 allowing them to achieve Herd Immunity & making serious lockdown measures in other European countries look pathetic
  • UK sheeple clapping for the NHS while WHO is primetime shilling for China
  • around 3.5 million people losing jobs including libtards, Buzzfeed bugmen, SJWs, and working class people in heavy democratic areas of the USA
  • NYC turning into a mini-authoritarian state that spits on the US Constitution
  • COVID-19 not as deadly & devastating compared to the flu & HIV!
  • Doctors and Nurses in some called "first world countries" don't had a good job site because of bad healthcare system
  • Libtards , bugmens and SJW they don't had jobs, they had wellfare foodstamps, working class that lose their jobs are farmers commonly because infection of swines.
  • NYC always beign an anti US city since Wall Street, they want another rescue and thats the reason why they want to "back to normal"


Should have added this

  • Almost 4 million people (USA, Canada & Europe) including 60K content creators sign up for OnlyFans at the same time that 3.5 million USA citizens filed for jobless claims within March - April 30th, 2020