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I broke up Christy Canyons Marriage

It has been a long tough battle but Rob Spallone finally told me he loves me and he has broken up with his wife of 1 year Christy Canyon.

He said he has loved me since we spoke on the phone several years ago.


CoolBreeze01 has reacted to this post.
Quote from Iam_Blazing on September 10, 2019, 5:21 am

It has been a long tough battle but Rob Spallone finally told me he loves me and he has broken up with his wife of 1 year Christy Canyon.

He said he has loved me since we spoke on the phone several years ago.


LMAO I don't think anyone would want some fat bloated no neck slob Rob Spallone no one else wanted him he was garbage that got swept towards Christy Canyon's way that's what most Sex Workers get left over trash that Civilian women don't want most women that are Sex Workers are Bottom Feeders because they are damaged goods, and as for you Iam_Blazing aka @hotdogg_toddd aka @augustus2019 on Twitter u should just give up this childish trolling your a 44 year old man typing like a 11 year old I understand Mental Retardation runs in your family I saw the pictures of your 2 ugly retarded nephews that live in New Hampshire your sister Lisa's children u need to help those special needs children out instead of wasting your time on a website trolling a complete stranger all just to protect some 53 year old STD infested Whore Christy Canyon. I mean that's just my advice. But yeah no one on earth wants Rob Spallone but Christy Canyon she takes in all the garbage that no other respectable woman wants including u Todd your a retarded reject that can't get pussy from no where else as well.