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What is Beth McKenna A Trannie or Butch (Photos)

Hey Forum I noticed there is a woman or what people claim to be a woman named Beth Mckenna that goes by @BethMckenna53 on Twitter she or he claims to be a Milf performer when in reality she look way past the Milf years or Courgar years this woman or whatever it is looks like they in their 50s what I want to know is how the hell does this woman get shoots??? this woman is a newcomer she doesn't have that big of a following and she's very ugly and masculine looking she looks like a straight up man which is why I'm asking if she's really a woman or not and what man would be crazy enought to shoot with her or to stick thier dick in something like that?? This Beth McKenna has a face like a Truck Driver that u see on the highway she has no hips no ass no type of definition like a woman's body would have and also this woman is always slobbering over retired Porn Actress Christy Canyon I think they girlfriends or something SMH I swear Christy Canyon is always taking in people that no one else wants this Beth is scary looking no man is looking in her direction and I guess no other woman either so all the trash gets swept up to that 54 year old diseased Faghag Christy Canyon's way I wonder if Beth has to share Christy with her short fat 8 chins having slacking husband Rob Spallone that she is denying she's married to out of being ashamed LOL well anyway I just wanted to post this along with some pictures to vent some of my thoughts and can someone let me know what sex is Beth female or male?

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Just more Photos I want to upload this time of tweets between these 2 old wrinkly dried up washed up whores. Also  I heard around this time last year Christy Canyon was trying to lure in a nice younger vital looking woman to meet her at Exxxotica the woman declined for good reason she dodged a bullet but that female from last year that Christy tried to get was a knock out compared to this old wrinkly masculine butch woman  Christy U took a downgrade from last year LMAO And  Christy Bitch don't make the excuse and say u invited everyone to meet u at Exxxotica because at the moment when u had a one on one conversation with that woman on your radio show from last year u asked her directly could she meet u at Exxxotica in New Jersey at that moment u wasn't inviting everyone it was no one on the phone line but u and that woman, fucking lying ugly ass bitch well anyway forum I got off track here are the other photos I also wanna give u guys another look at how busted her husband Rob is too 

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