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Where are all the whore hunting PWL members?

I dont see many of the PWL whore hunting members posting here and wondering if they are posting somewhere else or just dont know about this place? Anyone know?

Quote from generossisback on September 23, 2019, 2:15 am

I dont see many of the PWL whore hunting members posting here and wondering if they are posting somewhere else or just dont know about this place? Anyone know?

Where have you been, Gene? That's what the bannings were about. They came here, called you a fag, badmouthed your fans, disrespected the board and said they will never post a single performer name here. They had a ringleader that announced a "blackout" that they were all to follow and no posting of any real names that they had found. He gave out his email to certain members so they could join his "private" group where they will sit around like incels sharing performer real names. So, he shits on you and denounces the board, encourages others to do the same while trying to use your board to promote his own group? Do you find that acceptable?

Quote from Donny Long Armed Forces on September 24, 2019, 12:36 am
Quote from generossisback on September 23, 2019, 2:15 am

I dont see many of the PWL whore hunting members posting here and wondering if they are posting somewhere else or just dont know about this place? Anyone know?

Where have you been, Gene? That's what the bannings were about. They came here, called you a fag, badmouthed your fans, disrespected the board and said they will never post a single performer name here. They had a ringleader that announced a "blackout" that they were all to follow and no posting of any real names that they had found. He gave out his email to certain members so they could join his "private" group where they will sit around like incels sharing performer real names. So, he shits on you and denounces the board, encourages others to do the same while trying to use your board to promote his own group? Do you find that acceptable?

I suspect that person you are talking about was Eddie Dzial AGAIN with ANOTHER fake nick and I also suspect most real true PWL army members knew that but I could be wrong. People can call me whatever they want as I can take it and wont ban or silence them for it as I support peoples freedom of speech rights unlike all the faggots running social media and big tech. I hope some smart true PWL army members come back here and stay :]

Bang Bros made a statement on this very forum that nothing on PWL was to be used here. So what exactly is allowed? Why would a whore hunting forum be needed here if Bang Bros will take action on people posting names? All they did at the end of the day was share the names in private anyway which is why they didn't like that there was no PM feature here.

Quote from generossisback on September 24, 2019, 3:22 am
Quote from Donny Long Armed Forces on September 24, 2019, 12:36 am
Quote from generossisback on September 23, 2019, 2:15 am

I dont see many of the PWL whore hunting members posting here and wondering if they are posting somewhere else or just dont know about this place? Anyone know?

Where have you been, Gene? That's what the bannings were about. They came here, called you a fag, badmouthed your fans, disrespected the board and said they will never post a single performer name here. They had a ringleader that announced a "blackout" that they were all to follow and no posting of any real names that they had found. He gave out his email to certain members so they could join his "private" group where they will sit around like incels sharing performer real names. So, he shits on you and denounces the board, encourages others to do the same while trying to use your board to promote his own group? Do you find that acceptable?

I suspect that person you are talking about was Eddie Dzial AGAIN with ANOTHER fake nick and I also suspect most real true PWL army members knew that but I could be wrong. People can call me whatever they want as I can take it and wont ban or silence them for it as I support peoples freedom of speech rights unlike all the faggots running social media and big tech. I hope some smart true PWL army members come back here and stay :]

I don't know what happened to Dzial but I suspect all he wanted was his wiki down and now he is satisfied and didn't make the trip over here. He has a distinctive posting style that we haven't seen here yet.

As for PWL Army members, they should come here but the posters in the whore hunting forum were their own army. Completely self serving and didn't give a shit about PWL or it's cause in the least.

People posting names here is allowed but whats not allowed is posting huge list of names from PWL or posting whole blogs, articles and or wiki pages copied from PWL. There is nothing wrong with posting some whores real name because she is endangering the straight talent pool by fucking faggots and then fucking straights. I did say this a few times on this forum. I hope some members come back here but I did think that asshole calling me a faggot was Dzial but I could be wrong.  Either way I do support people's freedom of speech rights here.

Quote from generossisback on September 23, 2019, 2:15 am

I dont see many of the PWL whore hunting members posting here and wondering if they are posting somewhere else or just dont know about this place? Anyone know?
