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Whitney Westgate

Whitney Westgate is a anal loving faghag that loves taking HIV infected gay cumshots up her faghag asshole for cash. Whats her real name?

Donny Long Armed Forces has reacted to this post.
Donny Long Armed Forces

As long as the blackout is still in force I won't write a single name here.

Quote from fuckofftwice on September 8, 2019, 7:31 am


the ball is in your court  "Mean Gene". You want us stick around and help this site grow then no more stalling. Until you address this post the blackout will remain in affect.

Deleted user and BrotherOfClint have reacted to this post.
Deleted userBrotherOfClint

It is ok m8. I got what I needed. He had his chance to speak up and he chose silence. Now we move forward. As Mope said, "Why waste any energy on this?" This is a temporary hangout providing us a place to congregate and out of respect we have given him ample opportunity to start fresh. For our remaining time here lets hammer home what knowledge we will be taking.




Deleted user has reacted to this post.
Deleted user
Quote from fuckofftwice on September 11, 2019, 10:16 am
Quote from generossisback on September 10, 2019, 9:57 am

Whitney Westgate is a anal loving faghag that loves taking HIV infected gay cumshots up her faghag asshole for cash. Whats her real name?

You are a faggot. Unmoderated forum my fucking ass.

From Clint


You banned Clint for this? ^

You gonna ban now too ?

Do It Faggot



BrotherOfClint and Deleted user have reacted to this post.
BrotherOfClintDeleted user

Clint comes from a big family. His relatives are legion.  Some of his bros and cousins are here in the forum.



Westgate's name is McCoy. This is well known since many years.

Deleted user has reacted to this post.
Deleted user
Quote from generossisback on September 10, 2019, 9:57 am

Whitney Westgate is a anal loving faghag that loves taking HIV infected gay cumshots up her faghag asshole for cash. Whats her real name?

la_nopalera19 has reacted to this post.

Did she leave the industry again? She blasted on her then Twitter that she was making a come back :/