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Who runs this site?

Is this site run by the person that sold out the PWL site? Is this gonna be sold to?

Classico JPH has reacted to this post.
Classico JPH

I am GOD and the site is not for sale!

Iam_Blazing has reacted to this post.
Quote from Iam_Blazing on September 1, 2019, 2:28 am

Is this site run by the person that sold out the PWL site? Is this gonna be sold to?

We'll see if this site is as fairly moderated without bias in favor of certain PWL was at the end. I, for one, am not holding my breath...FOT meanwhile, isn't holding his breath at all he is blasting fire out of it.

Quote from generossisback on September 1, 2019, 2:32 am

I am GOD and the site is not for sale!

See this is how I knew you were not Gene the first time. If gonna act like someone else you should know how they speak. Years before I talked to Gene I read every word he put down and if you would have done your homework you would know. ....that  is just something the real gene ross would say.

Iam_Blazing has reacted to this post.