I hear things. The following I’m hearing is a legit story. Supposedly. Apparently there’s been a lawyer retained by some guy who’s terminally ill. The guy who’s dying has money, and, instead of leaving it to his wife, has decided he wants to leave it to a number of porn girls including Ryan Connor and Rebecca Love. The terminally-ill guy drew up a list of 15 names which he gathered from the milfhunter.com and milfseeker.com websites and wants to leave sums anywhere ranging from $100 to $10,000.
Monday afternoon we chatted with Montana Gunn who moved back to Dallas recently. Gunn tells us she just couldn’t afford California anymore. [A condition I believe she shares with the rest of us.] “It was so expensive!” she said. “I just couldn’t get anything done out there.” Gunn, who will make trips to California, said it would take a half-day to drive anywhere and she wound up with a case of massive road rage. “It’s better for me out here,” she continued. “I really can do a lot more work from out here. There was just no breathing air.” Gunn was told there was even less of it now with all the raging fires. Gunn said her sister was in the middle of it all. “I think the house got evacuated. I hear it’s like Armageddon.” Gunn said her boyfriend, Thomas Priest [Michael Raven’s brother] is currently back west working on Raven’s mainstream horror shoot. “It’s so neat. I read the script,” said Gunn. “I bet it’ll hit the movie theaters. It’s just incredible.”