from – There might be a John Edwards sex tape out there, that’s the latest revelation from Edwards’ former campaign staffer, Andrew Young. As if John Edwards wasn’t having it bad enough at the moment.
Firstly, of course, there was the way in which he entirely failed to gain traction in the Democratic primary leading up to last year’s presidential election: failing at the first fence, in Iowa. Then there was the revelation of his affair with Rielle Hunter, the ludicrous “hotel meeting” gate crashed by the National Enquirer and then this last week’s revelation that John Edwards had been shown, by DNA test, to be the father of Rielle Hunter’s child. The important point of that being not that this confirms that they had sex: we knew that. No, it means they were still doing so long after John Edwards has sworn blind that they had stopped doing so.
There is still also the little ongoing matter of investigations into whether Edwards gave Hunter a sweetheart deal on her work for his campaign. Hiring someone to make YouTube movies is fine, hiring someone at over the going rate, someone who is also your girlfriend, out of campaign funds isn’t.
But now The Times (of London) has one more possible humiliation in store:
Young also claims that Edwards and Hunter once made a sex tape, the whereabouts of which is unknown.
Just imagine if that were found and displayed. Wouldn’t that just be the final crowning glory of a political career?