John T. Bone writes on his blog, Bill Margold is an anonymous hate mail writer, Bill Margold!
This really bothers me, not because of the bad stuff he wrote about me but the fact that he has lost the courage to put his name to his beliefs.
Bill Margold is of the old school, more than 30 years in the business, he was a stalwart in the porn wars, fighting off the vice squad, the FBI special task force, the Meese commission.
He was around at a time when we fought together, raised money to pay each others legal fees, he was a vocal leader in the early days of politicizing the freedom of choice over condoms use, he started the Free Speech for god’s sake, he wrote articles and gave interviews and always put his name to what he believed in.
His home was always open to actors down on their luck. He worked long and tirelessly for the aid of others, Margold was a man to be admired.
What happened Bill?
When did you turn into a sniveling coward?
At what point in your life did you decide to cut and run and hide behind a fake name to write your poison pen letters?
I expected better from you.