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from www.laweekly.com – Some of porn’s biggest stars are speaking out against the November ballot’s measure B, which would require condom use at porn shoots in most of Los Angeles County.
Among those decrying the initiative, sponsored by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation as a way to make adult video practice safe sex, are Ron Jeremy and Tera Patrick.
We recently spoke to one other visual luminary, Kimberly Kane:
Kane, whose website and Tumblr blog are edgy and artsy, embraced one of No on Measure B’s more compelling arguments — that condom use is a matter of reproductive choice.
In fact some in the industry have noted that there are indeed straight couples, married and otherwise, who produce porn: B would mandate birth control, essentially.
Attorney Michael W. Fattorosi told us that he believes a constitutional challenge on this basis would be possible, though the costs associated with undertaking such a legal effort could be a deterrent.
(The AIDS Healthcare Foundation argues that B would simply find enforcement mechanisms for what already is federal and state law — that workers should be protected from blood-borne pathogens).
Here’s what Kane said:
I’m against measure B because I’m pro-choice for condom use. Everyone makes their choice to wear them or not. I believe in our rigorous and fantastic [industry-mandated STD] testing that is keeping us safe. I have the right to decide to wear condoms or not on a set.
She also argued that, if B passes, it will be held up by lawsuits as some producers either go underground, where things would be less safe, or leave town:
If measure B passes it’s going to be Lawsuit City. I hope not. I want to stay in Los Angeles and spend my money in Los Angeles.