(BURBANK, CA) — For years, the KSEXradio.com Co-Ed softball team known as “The Wankerz” consisted of KSEX DJs and adult star friends, who liked to come out every Sunday and get a little exercise and have some innocent fun.
That changed to a team of mostly Wankus’ friends when many of the adult stars couldn’t commit to a weekly schedule between feature dancing and porn shooting schedules. Some notables do remain however, as KSEX Program Director Wankus manages the team, DJ and girlfriend, Daisy plays catcher and KSEX partner and widow to Mike Rick, Alison Wells-Rick plays outfield.
“Next season we’re changing the name of the team,” said Daisy as she downed some sort of Vodka drink at the post championship party. She continued, “we’re going to call ourselves The Porn Stars, get cute outfits for the babes, get more porn stars on the team and if we can’t win by skill, we’ll distract them with some titty flashes or ass shots!”
Whatever works! In the three years the team has been together, they have been to two championships, winning one and losing today’s game, 16-14 in 105 degree heat in Burbank.
Any adult stars, male or female, interested in playing on next years roster should contact [email protected]!
Watch the video highlights here – Warning LARGE FILE!