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I kid you not. Tony Batman is sounding more and more like Casey Kasem these days.
Welcoming Rebecca Bardoux to the Planet Platypus network where she’ll have a show, Batman in an interview got Bardoux talking about her history in the business.
At one point Batman concedes that there’s not enough work out there for the, maybe, 2000 girls in the business looking for work, and the 15 companies shooting. [Read Bloomberg and they’ll tell you there’s 200 companies.]
And during this interesting exchange, we learn that back in the day, ATMs were faked via editing where nowadays everything’s real. Bardoux also notes that today’s performers are spoiled and expect to be on the set for a couple of hours and leave.
Bardoux notes the last movie she did was for Hard Candy back in January.
I’ll have the entire recap of the Bardoux interview this Memorial Day weekend. While other porn bloggers are off fishing, AdultFYI will have tons of updates.