I had the pleasure of chatting with Nicole London over lunch Friday afternoon. London, as you may or may not know, has a video company called Outback Productions with Australian ties. And there’s a funny story behind it.
London tells me Outback’s original company logo was Ayer’s Rock, perhaps Australia’s most famous landmark. After two releases which featured the logo, London heard from the aborigines who actually happen to own Ayer’s Rock. Unlike the Rock of Gibraltar which Prudential Insurance appropriated and no one seemed to care, the aborigines, evidently took issue and before the mess became an involved legal one, Outback simply dropped the rock from their company masthead.
London remembers another occasion when she first began headlining, that a club where she was appearing received a call from an irate mother. Turns out her daughter was named Nicole London and the mother was incensed about the newspaper advertisements using the name. London had to get on the phone to smooth things over with the mother.
London also happened to be one of a handful of performers at the time including Jonathan Morgan and Steve Hatcher who were part of a quarantined group during one of the industry’s HIV scares in the ’90’s. From those circumstances, London got some useful experience working behind the camera for Toni English. London who has a background in accounting and certainly has a firm handle on the business-end of running a porn company, credits that down time with giving her practical experience in putting together shoots. Look for lots of good things from this company. And their boxcovers are particularly striking.
London also tells me she’s been on the hunt for a contract girl. She mentioned one performer she already has in mind and I had to agree it would be a terrific choice, provided certain things worked out.